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2010/12/19 21:00:50瀏覽215|回應0|推薦0

Half-Truism一半真理 Lyrics

One is for envy羨慕一個人
And one just for spite儘管只是一個
The cuts in my heart這切割我的心
They show in your eyes一切映入我眼底
Don't make it better沒辦法讓這更好
The twisting knife雙面刃
Turns all by itself打開全部由自己
Move on to someone else移動其他人

Your self-liberation你的自我解放
Will leave this behind將把這擺脫
Beyond slings and arrows除了吊索和箭頭
That rain on our minds那場雨在我們心中
You'll make it better你會做得更好
Shake it off甩開這
It never mattered anyway反正它從來沒有要緊

If we don't make it alive如果我們不讓它
Well it's a hell of a good day to die那麼它是一個地獄的好日子去
All our light that shines strong我們所有的光線
Only lasts for so long只持續這麼久

And it's ashes to ashes again的骨灰再次化為灰燼
Should we even try to pretend?如果我們甚至試著假裝?
All our light that shines strong我們所有的光線
Only lasts for so long只持續這麼久

The banner you're waving揮舞著旗幟
Is burning and red在燃燒的紅色
It's blocking the sunlight這是阻止陽光
That shines overhead閃耀的天邊
You against the world對世界
Diamonds and pearls鑽石和珍珠
Voices inside you churn你內心翻騰的聲音
Watch the city burn觀看城市燃燒

Your own liberation你自己的解放
Will leave them behind將把這擺脫
All the slings and arrows所有的吊索和箭頭
That rain on your mind那場雨您的想法
Don't make it better不會更好
Break it cause打破的原因
It never mattered anyway反正它從來沒有要緊

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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