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2010/10/19 11:01:31瀏覽190|回應0|推薦0

Hands In The Sky (Big Shot)手在空中(大人物)

Tearing out all these open pages,撕裂了所有這些打開的頁面,
Women and kids of all ages,婦女和孩子們的青睞,
Millions of men with blank faces,數以百萬計的男子一臉茫然,
Italicised lies, headlines, bold type斜體謊言,標題,粗體

Living lives just like deer in headlights,生活就像是在車前燈的鹿
Terrified, blind, and wait to die,嚇壞了,瞎眼的,等死,
I wonder when they'll come get me,我不知道什麼時候他們會來找我,
I wonder when they'll come get me我不知道什麼時候他們會來找我

We want to, have to, need to我們想,要,需要
And we'll tell you when they're hungry again,我們將告訴你什麼時候他們餓了,
And we'll tell you when they're hungry again, 我們將告訴你什麼時候他們餓了,
It never ends, never ends它永遠不會結束,永遠不會結束
We want to, have to, need to我們想,要,需要
And we'll tell you when they're hungry again,我們將告訴你什麼時候他們餓了,
And we'll tell you when they're hungry again, 我們將告訴你什麼時候他們餓了,
It never ends, never ends, never ends它永遠不會結束,永遠不會結束,永遠不會結束

Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"大人物尖叫,“把你的手放在天空,”
He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,他說,“放棄孩子,放棄或你要去死,
You'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,你會得到一顆子彈在頸部後面
In the back of the neck right between the eyes."在頸後的右邊眼睛。“
Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"大人物尖叫,“把你的手放在天空,”
He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,他說,“放棄孩子,放棄或你要去死,
You'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,你會得到一顆子彈在頸部後面
In the back of the neck right between the eyes.""在頸後的右邊眼睛。“

Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"大人物尖叫,“把你的手放在天空,”
He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,他說,“放棄孩子,放棄或你要去死,
You'll get a bullet in the back of the neck,你會得到一顆子彈在頸部後面
In the back of the neck right between the eyes."在頸後的右邊眼睛。“
Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky," (Tearing out all these open pages)大人物大叫:“把你的手在空中,”(扯斷了所有這些打開的頁面)
He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die, (Women and kids of all ages)他說,“放棄吧孩子,放棄或你要死了,(婦女和孩子的青睞)
You'll get a bullet in the back of the neck, (Millions of men with blank faces)你會得到一顆子彈在後面的頸部,(單位:百萬男子一臉茫然)
In the back of the neck right between the eyes." (Italicised lies, headlines, bold)"在頸後的右邊眼睛。“(斜體謊言,標題,粗體)
Tearing out all these open pages,撕裂了所有這些打開的頁面,
Women and kids of all ages,婦女和孩子們的青睞,
Millions of men with blank faces,數以百萬計的男子一臉茫然,
Italicised lies, headlines, bold type斜體謊言,標題,粗體

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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