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SLIPKNOT Snuff - A short film短片
2010/05/20 15:37:18瀏覽388|回應0|推薦0

SLIPKNOT Snuff - A short film活結 鼻煙 - 一部短片
Bury all your secrets in my skin所有的秘密埋葬在我的皮膚

Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins走吧童心,離開我,我的罪
The air around me still feels like a cage我周圍的空氣仍然感覺就像牢籠
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again…而愛情就像是偽裝的東西類似於再次憤怒...
So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know.所以,如果你愛我,讓我走。於逃跑之前,我知道。

My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there.我的心太在乎黑暗。我不能破壞是不存在的什麼。
Deliver me into my Fate - If I'm alone I cannot hate我把我的命運託付於信心 - 如果我一個人,我不能恨

I don't deserve to have you…我不值得你...
My smile was taken long ago我的笑容早已被拿走
If I can change I hope I never know如果我可以改變我希望我從來不知道

I still press your letters to my lips我仍然給你信,於我的嘴唇
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss他們,愛護他們的地方,我品嚐著每一個親吻
I couldn't face a life without your light我無法面對生活中沒有你的光
But all of that was ripped apart… when you refused to fight但是,所有這些都被撕裂...當你拒絕鬥爭

So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear.因此,拯救你的呼吸,我將聽不到。我想我說得很清楚。
You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough?你不可以恨足夠的愛。應該是足夠了?
I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end.我只希望你不是我的朋友。然後,我會傷害你到結束。
I never claimed to be a Saint…我從來沒有聲稱自己是聖人 ...

My own was banished long ago我自己早已被流放
It took the Death of Hope to let you go它採取了死亡的希望讓你走

So Break Yourself Against My Stones因此,打破自己對我的樂隊
And Spit Your Pity In My Soul吐出你的憐憫我的靈魂
You Never Needed Any Help你從來不需要任何幫助
You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself你出賣我去救自己
And I Won't Listen To Your Shame而我聽不到你的恥辱
You Ran Away - You're All The Same你跑了 - 你都是一樣的
Angels Lie To Keep Control…天使的謊言,保持控制...
My Love Was Punished Long Ago我的愛很久以前受到懲罰
If You Still Care, Don't Ever Let Me Know如果你還在乎,別讓我知道

If you still care, don't ever let me know…如果你還在乎,別讓我知道...
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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