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Massive Attack - Teardrop [HQ]
2010/01/07 21:43:35瀏覽735|回應0|推薦0

Love love is a verb愛是一個動詞

Love is a doing word愛是做一個詞

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Gentle impulsion溫和的衝動

Shakes me makes me lighter震撼我讓我發光

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Teardrop on the fire淚滴在火

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Night night of matter一夜又一夜的事

Black flowers blossom黑花齊放

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Black flowers blossom黑花齊放

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Teardrop on the fire淚滴在火

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Water is my eye水是我的眼睛

Most faithful mirror最忠實的鏡子

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Teardrop on the fire of a confession淚滴在火上的自白

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Most faithful mirror最忠實的鏡子

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

Teardrop on the fire淚滴在火

Fearless on my breath無畏的在我的呼吸

you're stumbling into你匆忙之中

you're stumbling into你匆忙之中
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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