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2010/01/04 14:02:53瀏覽294|回應0|推薦0
這首詩 - 我的運筆沿紙張就像一個吻部奇怪的動物,形狀像人的胳膊和穿著袖鬆散綠色的毛衣。我看它不斷嗅著紙張,任何覓食的意圖已經無關,但其精神和昆蟲的幼蟲,從而可以多活一天。它希望能夠在這裡只有明天,也許是穿著長袖的格子襯衫,鼻子緊緊貼在紙張,寫幾行更加盡職當我凝視窗外,想像布達佩斯,或其他一些城市,我從來沒有到過。
The Poem - My pen moves along the page like the snout of a strange animal, shaped like a human arm and dressed in the sleeve of a loose green sweater. I watch it sniffing thepaper ceaselessly, intent as any forager that has nothing on its mind but the grubs and insects that will allow it to live another day. It wants only to be here tomorrow, dressed perhaps in a sleeve of a plaid shirt, nose pressed against the page, writing a few more dutiful lines while I gaze out the window and imagine Budapest, or some other city where I have never been.
( 知識學習其他 )
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