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Cat and Mouse- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
2009/12/15 10:38:30瀏覽317|回應0|推薦0
有附上可愛 的Pon and Zi 的圖片動畫的影片,enjoy it ^^
Softly we tremble tonight,今晚,我們輕輕地顫抖,
picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in site,所有的圖片完美衰減的笑容是留在現場,
I said I'd never leave you'll never change我說我從來沒有離開你將永遠不會改變
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.我沒有不滿意的地方,我在生活中。

Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
You said, you said that you would die for me...你說,你說,你為我會死...

We made plans to grow old,我們作出規劃去變老,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.相信我,有真理在所有這些故事,我說。
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse are we the same people as before this came to light?迷失在一個簡單的貓捉老鼠的遊戲,我們是同一批人在此之前曝光?

Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
You said, you said that you would die for me...你說,你說,你為我會死...

You must live for me too'...你必須為我生活的去'...
For me too...yeah, yeah...對我來說太...是啊,是啊...
You said that you would die for me...你說,你為我會死...

Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
Am I supposed to be happy?我應該是幸福?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price所有我曾經希望的,但也伴隨著代價。
You said, you said that you would die for me...你說,你說,你為我會死...

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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