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Green Day - Know Your Enemy
2009/12/08 14:43:26瀏覽402|回應0|推薦0
Know Your Enemy Lyrics: 

Do you know the enemy?你是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?你是否認識你的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那麼,認識敵人 

Do you know the enemy?你是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?你是否認識你的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那麼,認識敵人 

Do you know the enemy?你是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?你是否認識你的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那麼,認識敵人 

Violence is an enemy暴力是敵人 
Against the enemy反對敵人 
Violence is an energy暴力是能量 

Bringing on the fury帶來在憤怒 
The choir infantry唱詩班步兵 
Revolt against the honor to obey反對反叛服從的榮譽 

Overthrow the effigy推翻肖像 
The vast majority大多數 
Burning down the foreman of control燒毁控制的工頭 

Silence is the enemy沈默是敵人 
Against your urgency反對你的堅持 
So rally up the demons of your soul因此召集你靈魂的邪魔 

Do you know the enemy?您是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?您是否認識您的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那么,認識敵人 

Do you know the enemy?您是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?您是否認識您的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那麼,認識敵人 

The insurgency will rise叛亂將上升 
When the bloods been sacrificed當血液被犧牲 
Don't be blinded by the lies不要由謊言矇蔽 
In your eyes在您的眼睛 

Violence is an energy暴力是能量 
From here to eternity從這裡到永恆 
Violence is an energy暴力是能量 
Silence is the enemy沈默是敵人 
So gimme gimme revolution因此貪心貪婪革命 

Do you know the enemy?您是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?您是否認識您的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那麼,認識敵人 

Do you know the enemy?您是否認識敵人? 
Do you know your enemy?您是否認識您的敵人? 
Well, gotta know the enemy那么,認識敵人 

Overthrow the effigy 
The vast majority推翻大多数 肖像 

Burning down the foreman of control燒毁控制的工頭 

Silence is the enemy沈默是敵人 
Against your urgency反對你的堅持

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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