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Billy Talent Rusted from the Rain Official Video HQ
2009/12/08 13:27:00瀏覽327|回應0|推薦0
I stumble through the wreckage差點絆倒的通過飛機殘骸, 
Rusted from the rain.生鏽的雨。 
There's nothing left to salvage,沒有什麼被救援, 
No one left to blame.沒有人脫罪。 
Among the broken mirrors,在破碎的鏡子之間, 
I don't look the same.我看來不一樣。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了。 

Dissect me 'til me blood runs剖析我'我的血液運行 
Down into the drain.向下衝入排水渠。 
My bitter heart is pumping我痛苦的心跳動著 
Oil into my veins.石油成為我的血。 
I'm nothing but a tin man,我只不過是一個錫人, 
Don't feel any pain.不會感到任何疼痛。 
I don't feel any pain.我不覺得任何疼痛。 
I don't feel any pain.我不覺得任何疼痛。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了。 

Go on, crush me like a flower去吧,把我粉碎的像花一樣 
Rusted from the rain.生鏽的雨。 
C'mon strip me of my power來吧,我帶了我的力量 
Beat me with the chains.用鏈條鞭打我。 
And if I'm the King of cowards,如果我是國王懦夫, 
You're the Queen of pain. 你是女王的痛苦。 
I'm rusted from the rain雨使我生鏽了 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 

You hung me like a picture,掛我喜歡的圖片, 
Now I'm just a frame.現在,我只是一個框架。 
I used to be a lap dog,我曾經是一個眷養狗, 
Now I'm just a stray.現在,我只是一個流浪漢。 
Shackled in the graveyard,墓地的腳鐐, 
Left here to decay.離開這裡腐爛。 
Left here to decay.離開這裡腐爛。 
Left here to decay.離開這裡腐爛。 
[ Billy Talent Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ] 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 

Go on, crush me like a flower去吧,把我粉碎的像花一樣 
Rusted from the rain.生鏽的雨。 
C'mon, strip me of my power來吧,我帶了我的力量 
Beat me with the chains.用鏈條鞭打我。 
And if I'm the King of cowards,如果我是國王懦夫, 
You're the Queen of pain.你是女王的痛苦。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 

Go on, crush me like a flower去吧,把我粉碎的像花一樣 
Rusted from the rain.生鏽的雨。 
C'mon strip me of my power來吧,我帶了我的力量 
Beat me with the chains.用鏈條鞭打我。 
And if I'm the King of cowards,如果我是國王懦夫, 
You're the Queen of pain.你是女王的痛苦。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 

Go on, crush me like a flower去吧,把我粉碎的像花一樣 
Rusted from the rain.生鏽的雨。 
C'mon strip me of my power來吧,我帶了我的力量 
Beat me with the chains.用鏈條鞭打我。 
And if I'm the King of cowards,如果我是國王懦夫, 
You're the Queen of pain.你是女王的痛苦。 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 

Oh, the sun will shine again.喔,陽光將在一次閃耀 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 
I'm rusted from the rain.雨使我生鏽了 
Oh, the sun will shine again.喔,陽光將在一次閃耀 
I'm rusted from the rain. 雨使我生鏽了 

the Lyrics is form http://www.songlyrics.com 



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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