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Wonderwall - Silent Tears
2009/12/04 11:18:17瀏覽199|回應0|推薦0
Wasn’t it her the feet in the mud 是不是她的腳在泥中 
who had whisspering words to God 誰曾向世界之神許願 
And wasen’t it her never aimless in quest 且她從來沒有漫無目的的追求 
who held on to her goddies but 誰推舉她為神模 
You called it rubbish 你稱之為垃圾 
and wasn’t it her who kept her tears away 是不是她使誰的她眼淚離開 
Only to be not as weak as you 只需要並不像你般軟弱 

Chorus: 合唱: 
Silent tears, 無聲的眼淚, 
runnin so loudly, 奔落的如此大聲, 
it’s impossible not to hear 不可能沒有聽見這個
Not to hear them 他們聽不進去 

Silent tears, 無聲的眼淚, 
runnin so loudly, 奔落的如此大聲, 
it’s impossible not to hear 不可能沒有聽見這個 
Not to hear them 他們聽不進去 

And she decided to stay and not to run away 她決定留下來,而不是逃避 
till the sun is shinin’again 直到太陽再次閃耀 
But bloody kisses fallin’down... 但是血腥親吻跌落著 
down in her hands and in yours 落到她的手來和你 
And it rains yes it rains however 和下雨不過是下雨 
Wasn’t she me the hands on the ears 不是她把我的雙手放在雙耳 
Oh..I`am crying, crying, crying 噢..我`我哭著,哭著,哭著 
A bloody exhausted smile 一個血腥疲憊的微笑 

Chorus: 合唱: 
Silent tears, 無聲的眼淚, 
runnin so loudly, 奔落的如此大聲, 
it’s impossible not to hear 不可能沒有聽見這個 
Not to hear them 他們聽不進去 

When the moon’s your daddy 當月亮是你的爸爸 
and the stars are your home 和星星是你的家 

When the moon’s your daddy 當月亮是你的爸爸 
and the stars are your home 和星星是你的家 

Silent Tears... 無聲的眼淚... 

Silent tears, 無聲的眼淚, 
runnin so loudly, 奔落的如此大聲, 
it’s impossible not to hear 不可能沒有聽見這個
Oh your silent tears, 噢你的無聲的眼淚, 
your silent tears, 你的無聲的眼淚, 
your silent tears... 你的無聲的眼淚, 
are killing me在殺我 

lyrics form the http://www.lyricstime.com/wonderwall-silent-tears-lyrics.html 


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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