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Anarbor- The Brightest Green (lyrics)
2009/12/02 12:44:31瀏覽291|回應0|推薦0

It was late last night before she hit me up, 在昨晚她打我, 
baby, dont you know nothing good happens after midnight? 寶貝,你不知道在夜晚沒有甚麼好事發生嗎?
you see the night before i couldnt keep my hands off her, 你昨晚看到,然後我沒辦法不讓我的雙手離開她的身上, 
yeah i wanted to drink her up. 是的,我想給她喝酒。 
Her body burned like a fire and i knew, i knew i couldnt take anymore from her. 她的身體像火焚燒,我知道,我知道我再也不能接受她太多 
im burn burn burning, 我在燃燒 燃燒 燃燒, 
my stomachs turning, 我的胃翻轉著,
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。 
Im stare stare staring 我在凝視 凝視 凝視 
at the skin shes sharing, 在她的皮膚共享著,
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這這樣。 
not its too late, for me its too late, 不是這太遲了,因為我已為時已晚, 
im burn burn burning, yeah my hearts giving into my eyes. 我在燃燒 燃燒 燃燒,是啊,我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。 

she stood 5'4 她站在5'4 
she had the brightest green id ever seen, ive never seen these eyes before. 見過她最聰明的綠色身份證,我之前從來沒有見過這些。 
and just like that i was hypnotized. ,就這樣我被催眠。 
i sit back, i roll fat, thinking of you again. 我坐起來,我滾動脂肪,想你了。
and i knew i couldnt take anymore from her. 且我知道我再也不能接受她太多 

im burn burn burning, 我在燃燒 燃燒 燃燒, 
my stomachs turning, 我的胃翻轉著,
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。
Im stare stare staring 我在凝視 凝視 凝視
at the skin shes sharing, 在她的皮膚共享著, 
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。
not its too late, for me its too late, 不是這太遲了,因為我已為時已晚, 
im burn burn burning, yeah my hearts giving into my eyes. 我在燃燒 燃燒 燃燒,是啊,我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。

im sweatin bullets like a boy that has just been caught,  我的sweatin子彈像一個男孩剛剛被查出有問題 
you say your love is all i need, but i dont need alot. 你說你的愛是我需要的,但我不需要很多。 
You say youre sorry but i know that youre not 你說你很遺憾,但我知道你不會 

im burn burn burning, 我在燃燒 燃燒 燃燒, 
my stomachs turning, 我的胃翻轉著,
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。
Im stare stare staring 我在凝視 凝視 凝視
at the skin shes sharing, 在她的皮膚共享著,
my hearts giving into my eyes. 我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。
not its too late, for me its too late, 不是這太遲了,因為我已為時已晚,
im burn burn burning, yeah my hearts giving into my eyes.我的心讓我的眼睛這樣。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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