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2009/08/09 20:35:26瀏覽855|回應0|推薦28 | |
麥克傑克遜的確很棒 他的音樂是傳奇的 值得為他死嗎 NO !! Michael Jackson was awesome, his music is legendary. But is that enough to kill yourself over? I THINK NOT! ******************************************************************* Michael Jackson rant 麥克傑克遜的咆哮 最近我聽說12人自殺,都是因為麥克傑克遜的死。我賭狗屎你不會。而且這是幾天前的新聞,據我所知道的從那時起會有更多超敏感的靈魂可能也想脫離自己的軀殼。 我已經好幾天沒有看電視或聽電台了,因為如果我再聽到一個最新的麥克傑克遜的死,我就要去殺人喽。我記得Chevy Chase 嘿,我喜歡他的音樂,我真的是很喜歡。我跟別人一樣很喜歡顫慄。任何東西把文森普來斯舊電影詮釋得好 在我的書上說這作品就是蜜蜂的膝蓋=傑出的。是的,傑克遜是個人才,這是不容置疑的。但是,在這世界上仍有許多非常卓越的人- 這些卓越的人不會這麼喪心瘋狂,和錢太多 多到足以要實現每一個迴旋在他腦子裏孤獨的, 被詛咒的, 喪心病狂的, 瘋狂的每一個概念,而這種瘋狂程度足以讓他這樣去做,即使做到他財力無法支撐時還在做! 每當這些極為有才華的人死去時,我是否得再忍受一個多星期的牆到牆(從頭到尾全面性)覆蓋面新聞(這還沒有結束呢,人們)? 否!有時我甚至沒有聽到過他們這些卓越人的死訊,就算有 那也是直到數日後,數週後, 或數月後! 我的意思是說,如果真的是他媽的基督耶穌現在來到了雲端中 和死人們開始從墳墓堆裏往上爬出,這種故事可能將很幸運地 簡要地 獲得被安插在這 他媽的麥克傑克遜寵物黑猩猩(氣泡)最新報導 和 傑克遜的追悼會當天的 最新氣象預告 之間播出。 保羅紐曼是好萊塢從未見過最偉大的電影明星之一,一個好的要命的演員,他花了個人生命裏許多時間,長期悄悄地募款了數億美元,用以改善生病和面臨死亡的孩子們的生活 http://www.newmansownfoundation.org/basics/ -且據我所知,保羅他從來沒和任何這些孩子睡覺過,如果他有,他沒有這樣BUGFUCK瘋狂在電視上承認,然後穿著亮片內褲在一群討厭的,粗暴的 人群面前搖晃。 因為所有這些,意味著這世界人們是不明白什麼才是美妙的事情。保羅他也沒有僱用任何人以收集嬰兒為讓他想擁有一個小小童物園,保羅他沒有他媽的 在露天陽台搖晃任何嬰兒,保羅他不曾接受數不清的整形手術,以殘害自己成為一個詛咒地獄黑晶塊!保羅他得了癌症,到死去,這新聞是只有兩三天而已,The Classic Movies- TCM台播出了有關保羅紐曼他的一些電影,就結束了。 如果值得任何人一個多星期的搥胸和剪碎布,那應該是為這個傢伙保羅紐曼。 但是事實卻相反! 我們珍惜的這一個人 麥克竟是如此怪異的,他令人難以置信的蠢就是把是正派霍華德休斯變成他媽的派布恩的純白種!我不知道誰才是瘋狂的-麥克傑克遜或咱美國人。 好吧!! 咆哮結束 ! 每個人回去各人之前在作事的工作崗位去!! Date: 2009-07-05, 1:30AM PDT source: Best of Craigslist Post Last I heard, 12 people had committed suicide over Michael Jackson's death. I shit you not. And that was a few days ago, so even more ultra-sensitive souls might have offed themselves since then, for all I know. I haven't had the TV or radio on for days because if I hear one more update on Michael Jackson's death, I'm gonna go on a killing spree. I remember when saying, "**Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still seriously dead,"** was funny because it was a fucking JOKE -- but now it's on my goddamned TV 24 hours a day about this one-man circus! Especially infuriating are the perfectly-coiffed overly made-up "news"-sluts who ask one or both of these annoying questions over and over and over: "Who killed Michael Jackson?" and/or "What killed Michael Jackson?" MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON killed Michael Jackson! And he did it in the conservatory with a mountain of drugs! I swear, this guy should be given a posthumous Nobel Prize for the MOST INEVITABLE DEATH EVER! Hey, I liked the music, I really did. I enjoyed the Thriller video as much as anyone else. Anything that put ***Vincent Price to work is the bee's knees in my book. Yes, Jackson was talented, that is unquestionable. But there are a lot of extremely talented people in the world -- talented people who aren't also batshit crazy, and rich enough to realize every single solitary goddamned batshit crazy notion that pops into their spinning heads, and insane enough to keep doing it even after they can't afford to pay for it anymore! When those extremely talented people die, do I have to endure more than a week of wall-to-wall coverage (and it isn't over yet, people)? No! Sometimes I don't even hear that they're gone until days, weeks, or months later! I mean, if Jesus fucking Christ came in the clouds right now and the dead started rising from their graves, the story would be lucky to get a brief mention somewhere between the latest update on Bubbles the fucking Chimp and the weather report for Jackson's memorial service. Paul Newman was one of the greatest movie stars Hollywood has ever seen, and a damned fine actor to boot, and he spent much of his long life quietly raising hundreds of millions of dollars to improve the lives of sick and dying kids -- and to the best of my knowledge, he never SLEPT with any of those kids, and if he DID, he wasn't so BUGFUCK CRAZY that he admitted it on television and then got his sequined panties in a bunch because all those nasty, mean people in the world just didn't understand what a wonderful thing that was. He didn't hire anyone to pop babies out for him so he'd have a little kiddie petting zoo, he didn't dangle any babies off of fucking balconies, and he didn't undergo countless plastic surgeries to mutilate himself into a GODDAMNED GELFLING FROM HELL! He got cancer, died, it was in the news for two or three days, TCM ran some of his movies, and it was over. If anyone deserved more than a week of chest-beating and garment-rending, it was THAT guy. But NOOOO! We reserve that for a guy who was so weird, he made the incredible nutjob Howard Hughes look like PAT FUCKING BOONE! I don't know who's more insane -- Michael Jackson or US. Okay, rant over. Everybody go back to whatever it was you were doing. * Location: Redding * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 1254029009 文章: Craigslist Best 翻譯:一隻欠殺的狗 **************************************************************************** **註: “大元帥[ 1 ]佛朗哥還是死”是一個口號起源於1975年在第一季的 週六夜現場。它成為第一個從節目上詞組輸入的一般詞彙。 Francisco Franco從1912年參加在摩洛哥的殖民戰爭起,一直在軍隊中任職,民主政府成立後他曾被撤職,但很快又復任軍隊職務。 1936年,他發動反共和政府的武裝叛亂,得到希特勒、墨索里尼的支持。 1939年,他的民族主義軍隊在國內內戰中勝利,任國家元首。他在國內實行軍國主義的統治,鎮壓反法西斯革命運動、長槍黨外的其他政黨和共產主義運動,對 外實行侵略擴張和親納粹德國、法西斯意大利的政策。第二次世界大戰期間,他名義上保持中立,但幫助希特勒侵略蘇聯。第二次世界大戰後,因為他強烈的反共產 主義的政策,與美國保持親密的盟友關係。 1947年,他自任攝政王(但西班牙國王之位卻懸空)。 1975年他逝世後,胡安·卡洛斯一世登上王位,實行民主改革,西班牙獨裁統治結束。from wikipedia) ***Vincent Price 顫慄 Movie |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |