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李「繼承」後藤新平 置台灣人何地
2007/06/02 11:40:42瀏覽725|回應0|推薦8

 If this story (http://udn.com/NEWS/OPINION/X1/3871311.shtml)
is true and Lee has so many fans in Taiwan, then these are my 10 possible

  1. The story was make-believe.
  2. Taiwan was never occupied and colonized by Japan. 
  3. Taiwan was part of Japan and Taiwanese are
  4. Taiwanese are forgiving, no matter how badly being
  5. Taiwanese are peaceful and never get angry,
    even when being humiliated.
  6. Never mind Japan. It is a tiny country and we have long
    history and vast land.
  7. Taiwanese are forward looking, never mind what
    happened, let bygones be bygones.
  8. Taiwan and Japan
    are good neighbors (Although the huge Tori-I at the Meiji Gingu was made
    from thousand year old mahogany stolen from Taiwan)
  9. Most Taiwanese enjoy SM.  
  10. As long as Japanese are not Chinese. They are always right.

We all need good history lessons.  Thanks. Prof. Wang.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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