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The True Sex Liberator for Women
2007/06/04 11:12:39瀏覽986|回應4|推薦16

What is it?

Is it condom? pill? strapless bra? no, no, no…..It is GPS.

Admit it, ladies, you need
help. How many of you did not talk to
other half for a couple of days because the comment “how can you miss that
stupid turn”? Do you remember the day
that he was teaching you to drive? When
you came back from that "educational" trip, you wished that you never will have to look at him again? How can he get so mad just because you swiveled
a little bit off the road because you didn't know which lane to take and hesitated "a little"?

Well, ladies, GPS (“he”) is
your savior, sex equalizer and liberator because:

  1. You will hear only gentle reminder (instead of roaring)
    whenever you make a “dumb” mistake and “he” never quits on you.
  2. You will be able to put on make up and listen
    to the gentle reminder at the same time (I would not recommend you to do
    it though).
  3. You will not be called “lack of 3D capability”
    since “he” is better than he.
  4. You will be able to travel to any part of the
    world with “he” but not necessarily him.
  5. You will be able to venture into remote part of
    the town easily.
  6. You can chit-chat with your girl friends (ya know..) without
    worrying when to make that “stupid” turn.
  7. You will never have to navigate for him while he
    blames everything on you (although he actually missed the turn). Let “he” teach him a good lesson: you are outdated.
  8. You can turn “he” into a pacifier for the four
    year old.
  9. You will never be called “clueless and without
    sense of direction” and he turns this surprise into awe.
  10. The last but no the least: you will turn “my man” into “my woman”.
( 不分類不分類 )
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The State I was in
2008/05/07 01:12
long before when they invented the GPS, we ladies know how to stop at the gas stations or convenient stores or just grab anybody insight to ask the direction.  Men don't.  Even they are totally lost, they still say, I think ( or remember) it's over there (at least my hubby does).  GPS is good for both men and women.
Tristan(freespirit) 於 2008-05-07 11:10 回覆:
Oh, don't we (men) all come from Mars?
When a man does ask for direction, he is in REAL trouble.

men needed also
2007/11/21 20:53
believe or not, men need this "liberator" also.
Tristan(freespirit) 於 2007-11-23 06:10 回覆:
Oh yes, don't we all...
Especially when I am travelling in New Jersey.

perhaps me are better in large directions
2007/06/06 12:01
but many of them are really dumb in the tiny directions in human abdomen the time we (Taiwan) started laparoscopy surgeries...

this article is very interesting and funny
2007/06/06 00:00

to be true ...this world did go that direction

GPS .mapquest and so on..... 

except human is not machine