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2008/01/23 11:22:43瀏覽980|回應3|推薦17 | |
‧ James Watson 說黑人不比白人聰明, 由 Cold Habour Spring 辭職 ‧ Marie Curie and Paul Langevin scandal, almost cost her the second Medal ‧ John Robert Schrieffer shared the physics prize in 1972 with John Bardeen and Leon Cooper for the “BCS” theory of superconductivity, sent to prison for killing two and injury to 7 other people ‧ Dae-Jung, Kim, how was he as a president? ‧ Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, was accused of child molestation ‧ Haber Fritz and Zyklon B that was used to kill millions of Jews The list goes on...好了, 你一定知道了吧 李遠哲該去讀一下历史, 他想加入那一章? |
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