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2011/03/24 17:14:09瀏覽165|回應0|推薦0 | |
Tom Cat - 美國, 1963年.
本曲是由美國The Rooftop Singers 於1963年錄製,帶一點爵士風. 本舞舞型源自於南美洲,屬於 Variante, (我猜跟英文Variant意思差不多), 有多變的,隨意的意思. 台灣的舞法是由李伯元老師,王善平老師和賴正雄老師三位老師合力編成. 由於年代久遠,找不到原曲的MV,只好用人家的家庭錄影帶的襯底音樂來代替.(此配樂就是原曲): 忘了說,土風舞音樂是在女王唱片 QNL - 0987, B面最一首. 我聽出的歌詞跟我在網路上撈到的歌詞有一點出入,我想還是以我聽到的為準吧. 我聽出來的歌詞: I got an old tom cat And when he steps out All the other cats in the neighborhood They begin to shout There goes the Ring Tail Tom Drops around the town And if you got your heat turned up You better turn your damper down ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... I got an old tom cat And when he steps out All the other cats in the neighborhood They begin to shout There goes Ring Tail Tom Drops around the town And if you got your heat turned up You better turn your damper down And if you got your heat turned up You better turn your damper down (中間一大段.......請各位聽出來的請補上去,就當做家庭作業好了,總要有一些功課要自己做吧. ) 網路上撈到的歌詞,跟原唱差很多,可是又不像另外一首Tom Cat Blues的歌詞,待考: I got an old tom cat When he steps out All the pussycats in the neighborhood They begin to shout Here comes Ring Tail Tom He's boss around the town And if you got your heat turned up You better turn your damper down Ring Tail Tom on a fence The old pussy cat on the ground Ring Tail Tom come off that fence And they went 'round and 'round Lord, he's quick on the trigger He's a natural born crack shot He got a new target every night And he sure does practice a lot He makes them roustabout He makes them roll their eyes They just can't resist my Ring Tail Tom No matter how hard they tries You better watch old Ring Tail Tom He's running around the town He won't have no pussy cats Come a-tomcattin' around Ring Tail Tom is the stuff He's always running around All the pussy cats in the neighborhood Can't get old Ring Tail Tom down He's always running around Just can't be satisfied He goes out every night With a new one by his side 附註: 本文在2010/10/17首度發表於舞之心論壇 |
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