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火腿蛋 - 美國
2011/03/24 17:17:22瀏覽405|回應0|推薦0
火腿蛋 - 美國,1940's

歌名: Ham and Eggs
作詞: Leadbelly (本名:Huddie Ledbetter)??待考
作曲: Leadbelly (本名:Huddie Ledbetter)
原主唱: Leadbelly (本名:Huddie Ledbetter)
舞名: 火腿蛋
土風舞音樂: 女王唱片 QNL-0989

本舞舞型跟雄貓舞一樣,都是源自於南美洲,屬於 Variante, (我猜跟英文Variant意思接近), 有多變的,隨意的意思.



Ham and eggs, pork and beans,
Would have had more, boys, but the cook was so mean.
Gonna ro-o-oll, roll in a hurry, hurry, hurry,
To make it on the side of the road.

If I had known my captain was blind,
Wouldn't have come to sork, boys, when the clock struck nine.

If I had known my captain was back,
Wouldn't have sold that special, that I once had back(?)


附註: 本文在2011/02/24首度發表於舞之心論壇
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