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危機倒數英文片名The Hurt Locker 是何意?
2010/03/24 00:37:52瀏覽918|回應0|推薦4


該片攝影手法極佳,編劇也好,從拆彈人的日常生活點滴讓人窺知其內心世界.沒看這片,還不知駐伊美軍承受這麼多苦難---當然,誰叫老美當初要打伊拉克 ?

回來查資料,這片的英文名字怪異, The Hurt Locker是啥東西 ?網路上一大堆解釋,最後看到此片導演凱薩琳畢格羅接受訪問時的答覆,應該算是最正確的答案:

她說,這名詞是駐伊美軍的俚語,意指最痛苦的地方, 拆彈人如果拆彈失敗,就會被炸得粉身碎骨.

KATHRYN BIGELOW (Director): The Hurt Locker directly translated means the place of ultimate pain and it's a term that Mark Boal, when he was on the embed in Baghdad with the explosive ordnance [sic] disposal team, would use from time to time mentioning... "If this particular ordnance were to detonate, we would be in the hurt locker."
Source (訪問全文)


Hurt locker is a term used in Basic Training! When a young recruit was out of line, (back in the day when physical contact was allowed) the Drill instructor literally slammed you into a full size locker where he would hit you repeatedly. You couldn't get out or move to resist. No longer allowed by the drill instructors and the other recruits, "Blanket parties" were started. This was where fellow recruits would throw towels over you at night while asleep and hit you with fists, or laundry nets full of soap bars.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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