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2020/12/27 11:50:46瀏覽581|回應1|推薦1

Main Topic: 使用完讓人神清氣爽的地方-"Bathroom"

本日主題:使用完讓人神清氣爽的地方 (請看內文,會更清楚喔!!!)

1. toilet (馬桶):

"Toilet" is somtthing we use to pee or poo, and people usually sit on or stand near.


2. drain (排水孔):

"Drain" means a hole in a bath, sink through which waste water flows away. 


3. sink (盥洗盆):

"Sink" is a bowl that is attached to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom where we wash dishes or hands.


4. vanity ("帶有盥洗盆的"浴室櫃):

"Vanity" is a small cupboard that stands on the floor and has a basin in the top.


5. bathtub (浴缸):

"Bathtub" is a long container which you can sit or lie in it to wach your whole body.


6. showerhead (蓮蓬頭):

"Showerhead" is a part of shower which water flows out of.


( 知識學習考試升學 )
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2023/10/07 19:19
I would like to add some more ideas to your list of ideas. I just completed bathroom remodel San Diego and so I have some excellent tips. Should you need any help, I am just a click away(stev3n.harry@yandex.com)