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料理大師-"Cook Meals"
2020/12/13 17:26:43瀏覽2191|回應0|推薦2

Main Topic: 料理大師-"Cook Meals"

本日主題:料理大師 (請看內文,會更清楚喔!!!)

1. "steam" fish ("清蒸"魚):

"Steam" means to use water vapor to cook food until it is edible.


2. "roast" chicken ("烤"雞):

"Roast" means to cook food in the oven or over the fire.


3. "bake" pizza ("烤"披薩):

"Bake" means to cook food inside the oven without using added liquid or fat, such as bake potato, bake bread, bake the cake, etc.


4. "grill" sausages ("烤"香腸):

"Grill" means to cook food over the fire or hot coals and usually on a metal frame.


5. "stew" beef ("燉"牛肉):

"Stew" means to cook meat, fish, vegetables slowly and gently in a little liquid.


6. "fry" chicken legs ("油炸"雞腿):

"Fry" means to cook food in hot oil or fat.


( 知識學習考試升學 )
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