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2016/12/25 04:37:27瀏覽1239|回應7|推薦50 | |
旗﹐最原始的定義就是一塊布。 通常是一塊長方形的布(或其他類似的料子) 上面印繪經過設計的圖案﹐表達一種共同的理念﹐以凝聚有共識的人群。它可以是一個族群﹑一個團體。 最具普世價值的﹐就是代表一個國家的國旗。 為了一個相同的理念﹐人們聚集在這面旗幟之下﹐拋頭顱灑熱血﹐捐出自已的生命﹐甚至不惜拿起武器以達到革命的目的。或昻揚或哀悼,表達我們的心意。
最近國內新聞有中學孩子「發揮創意」之納粹軍遊行表演﹐ 以及對斷交國「降旗」之舉。 歷史上最有名的旗幟包括法國大革命巨幅油畫的藍白紅旗﹑美國軍人在硫磺島插上的星條旗… 還有所謂的「日不落國」的米字旗在海權全盛時代的豪語。
美式足球上場打球的球員為11人﹐這12號(the12th man)為球迷自封的號衣。此稱由來已久,近年來西雅圖海鷹隊球迷將12號粉絲旗發揚光大﹐(其實西雅圖每年要付一筆錢給申請過專利的德州A&M學校。)註一。
下面這幅彩虹旗﹐並非同性戀者專有。全世界凡是支持這個寬容﹑和平理念的﹐都可以持之揮舞吶喊。但是﹐無論隨旗殺戮或做出驚世骸俗的舉止絕對不受鼓勵與尊重。 我們尊敬國旗﹐每年元旦和國慶日的升旗典禮是熱愛國家的表現。展示國旗﹐是在世界每一個角落宣揚祖國文化的圖騰。 搗毀或焚燒國旗﹐是對這個國家表示最強烈的意見。(美國最高法院為了支持國民的言論自由特別為燒旗除罪。) 對這一面旗﹐要珍惜! 珍惜我們的理念﹐它帶著我們前進。
@@@@ 註一:In September 1990, Texas A&M filed, and was later granted, a trademark application for the "12th Man" term, based on their continual usage of the term since the 1920s. In January 2006, Texas A&M filed suit against the Seattle Seahawks to protect the trademark and in May 2006, the dispute was settled out of court. In the agreement, which expires in 2016, Texas A&M licensed the Seahawks to continue using the phrase, in exchange for a licensing fee, public acknowledgement of A&M's trademark when using the term, a restriction in usage of the term to seven states in the Northwest United States, and a prohibition from selling any "12th Man" merchandise. Once the agreement expires, the Seahawks will continue to be able to use the number "12" but will no longer license the "12th Man" phrase. In August 2015, the Seahawks have decided to drop their signage of the "12th Man" term and shifted towards referring to their fans as the "12s" instead. |
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