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黑暗中有你; In Darkness With You
2016/06/07 12:40:01瀏覽399|回應0|推薦3




我心底明白,我這對黑夜帶來的慌心,不是我獨有的童年經驗。黑暗和它隱藏的未知,所帶來的不安,多半會逐年在每一個人成長過程中淡去。然後, 在未來的生活中,逐漸堅強,成究為對依靠我們的人,黑夜的捍衛者!



黑暗中的美麗奇蹟  (@Baltimore National Aquarium, May 27, 2016)


Out of their love for me, my 80-years-old parents endured a journey of thousands of miles, crossing the Pacific Ocean to visit me in North Carolina.

In May, we took a trip north-bound on I95 along the East coast. The first day was a tough one; with some traffic delay, it cost me 8 hours behind the wheel to reach Philadelphia. After two days in Philly, we then headed back south, stopping by Baltimore and Washington DC.  The Aquarium at Baltimore's Inner Harbor was eye-opening impressive and the National Gallery of Art in DC served a great finale. On the last day, the thought of sleeping in my own bed outweighed my fatigue, and so I decided to make the 5-hr drive home after dinner.  My parents and son were concerned about me driving through the night and took turns to stay awake to keep me company. The demand of concentration was indeed consuming; however, I was relaxed and calm, even enjoying it somewhat. Being able to embrace the lonely freeway in the depth of night did not come easy.

As a child, I was extremely terrified of darkness, so much so that my brother figured out the easiest way to bring this feisty girl to her knees was simpily to plant surprises in the nights. During college, a mischievous college friend, after jumping out from the woods during a night outing, was soon guilt-ridden to find me weeping uncontrollably on the ground. The fear of darkness stretched further to the fear for loss or unknown. One of the most agonizing childhood memory I had was, during one night, despite of being terrified of darkness, I stood outside the house awaiting for my parents' return because it had past the time they promised to be home. I stood for a seemed eternity in darkness....waiting!!

I do very well realize that my fear of darkness was perhaps nothing unique.  Many children are afraid of dark, and most of us not only outgrow that fear but eventually become guardians' of nights so we may protect and give strength to our love ones.

I have learned that nights need not to be dark and that bright spirits could prevail in darkness. As long as my loved ones are by me, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, I shall fear no darkness. Because, I am in darkness with you!!

June 7, 2016

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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