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2009/08/15 08:18:48瀏覽13659|回應2|推薦10

筆者再次強調! 要講甚麼是你的自由! 但公然扯謊實在無恥! 我非找到原文來戳破你們! 這位劉中將還當過陸軍副司令! 講出這種沒有外交軍事常識的屁話! 讓人懷疑到底是誰升他當中將的?不知道跟買官案有沒有關係?

劉湘濱:救災亂 馬須負最大責任

情形失控 還不知檢討




既然你敢講, 就請大家看一看美國國務院的每日例行記者會到底講了甚麼! 謝長廷的影子政府網站也引用, 不過他們大概有人看過原文, 所以不敢將劉湘濱的謊照抄一遍, 改成曖昧不明的敘述!

回答記者問題的是國務院助理國務卿Philip J. Crowley!

八月十一日 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/aug/127156.htm

QUESTION: A question on Taiwan and the weather that they’re having. Has the U.S. received a request for help yet for aid to the victims over there?

問: 關於台灣遭受的氣候問題, 美國有接到任何當地對於受災者援助的要求嗎?

MR. CROWLEY: Obviously, we’re gravely concerned about the impact of the typhoons in Taiwan, also in China. I don’t think that we have, as yet, received any requests for assistance. But we’re standing by in case there’s anything that we can do.

答: 當然我們非常關心颱風對台灣及中國造成的影響, 我想, 到目前為止, 我們並沒有接到任何協助的請求, 但如果有任何我們能做的我們也會待命(Standing by)!

(那個白癡會這樣說應該是只看懂了standing by 這兩個字!)

QUESTION: Are we in a position to help? I mean, do you have --

問: 我們已經準備好幫忙了嗎? 我是說已經...

MR. CROWLEY: Well, I mean, we have done these in the past. We’ve had missions like this. We have formidable assets in the region. And if these governments are in need – have any particular need, obviously we’ll do anything in our power to help them.

答: 我的意思是, 我們曾經這樣做過,也出過這種任務, 在那個區域我們有非常多的設備, 如果該區域的政府有需要, 特殊的需求, 當然我們能盡力幫助他們!

QUESTION: Can you describe any of the pre-positioned assets?


MR. CROWLEY: I would defer to the Pentagon in terms of what we might have. But as you’ve seen in other cases, going back to the tsunami, that we have the ability to respond aggressively and in a timely way to these kinds of tragedies.

我會請五角大廈代替我回答我們可能有的, 但你可以看到在其他事件中, 比如說南亞海嘯好了, 我們有能力積極對這樣的悲劇做出即時反應!

八月十二日 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/aug/127210.htm


The United States today provided a check for $250,000 to the Taiwan Red Cross. The money came from USAID through the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, obviously following a request for assistance from Taiwan authorities in response to the devastation of Typhoon Morakot.

引言: 美國已經提供一張面額二十五萬美金支票給台灣紅十字會, 這筆錢是由美國國際開發總署(USAID)透過外國災難援助辦公室(OFDA)送出, 很明顯是我們回應台灣當局關於莫拉克颱風造成損害的援助請求

八月十三日 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/aug/127869.htm

QUESTION: It’s about typhoon in Taiwan. According to Taiwanese Government, they say they already sent a list that resource or equipment they want to have to help. Did you get a list, and how you plan to help?

問:關於台灣的颱風, 台灣政府表示他們已經提出需要援助的資源及設備清單, 請問您拿到清單了嗎? 您計畫怎麼幫忙呢?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, the authorities in Taiwan asked for assistance. I think we announced yesterday that we provided some monetary assistance to Taiwan authorities through OFDA to the Taiwan Red Cross. And we’ve indicated that if there were additional requirements, we would be very supportive. I’m not aware of additional requests for assistance. But if that is the works, obviously, we will do everything we can help to Taiwan in the aftermath of the typhoon.

答: 台灣當局已經要求我們協助, 昨天我們已經正式聲明我們透過OFDA捐款到台灣紅十字會, 如果還有任何額外的需求我們會盡力協助, 我現在不知道有額外需求這回事, 如果有的話, 我們將盡我們所能幫助台灣災後重建!

八月十四日 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/aug/127928.htm

QUESTION: Can I follow yesterday’s questions on the (inaudible) typhoon in Taiwan? Did the State Department receive a formal request from Taiwanese Government for the rescuing equipment, such as like a helicopter? And if so, will U.S. supply, and what’s the mechanism?

問: 我可以接續昨天關於台灣颱風的問題嗎? 請問國務院有接到台灣需要救災機具, 像是直升機的正式請求嗎? 如果有, 美國會提供嗎? 是循怎樣的機制提供呢?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, the Taiwan authorities have requested additional assistance, and we are currently considering how best to assist Taiwan with its urgent humanitarian needs. What form that takes, I think it’s too early to tell. Obviously, we will look at what Taiwan feels it needs. We’ll compare what we are able to provide with what might be flowing from other countries in the region. And obviously, what’s critically important here is a timetable. What we can provide in an urgent timetable that allows Taiwan to begin to alleviate the impact of the typhoon.

答: 台灣當局的確提出了額外的需求, 我們也正在考量怎樣給予台灣緊急的人道協助, 至於援助的模式現在還言之過早, 我們會看台灣自己覺得需要甚麼, 也會比較哪些是我們可能提供的, 而哪些是可以從該區域的其他國家提供的, 重要的是急迫性, 我們能提供的是能緊急援助台灣並使其減少風災損害的幫助!

QUESTION: They did mention about Sikorsky helicopter. Will that be available?

問: 但是他們確實提到Sikorsky的載重直升機, 我們能提供嗎?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, we understand that Taiwan is seeking additional assistance, and we’re evaluating how to best help them.

答: 我們了解台灣尋求額外的援助, 我們也會評估怎樣援助才是對他們最好的!

以上就是美國國務院針對台灣風災所有跟記者問答的內容, 我已盡力翻譯, 務求盡量貼近原文! 也讓更多朋友了解他們在說甚麼! 當然英文好的也可以從鏈結中直接看國務院的新聞紀錄! 證明我沒有疏漏任何一句 !

從內容中就能清楚證明劉湘濱的言論根本是謊話一堆! 美國事實上沒有可能也不會派兵協助! 連非屬軍隊的國民兵都不可能!其他關於直升機的需求大家看過後應該也可以知道美國為何無法提供! 那是軍用直升機, 飛過來跟軍隊進來是一樣的道理! 當過中將的劉湘濱可能腦子燒壞了! 才會認為"美國都看不下去了"! "美軍已經待命援助"! 一般人講也就罷了! 一個退役中將居然講得出這種話! 我看你當天兵都不配!

別再把人民當白痴! 造謠者必將一一被拆穿!

( 時事評論政治 )
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2009/08/15 21:53
劉中將恐怕這個中將當初也是買.... 哦!我沒說!現在有人拿個什麼"東西"   要求配合演出  那劉中將的難言之隱就是.....???
丹尼爾(Dan In TW)(duntaiyu) 於 2009-08-15 23:30 回覆:

他會出此言恐怕是要報恩吧? 至於報甚麼恩, 就不言可喻了!

2009/08/15 11:02
丹尼爾(Dan In TW)(duntaiyu) 於 2009-08-15 13:37 回覆:
謝謝! 雖然不太懂您想說甚麼! 原諒小弟才疏學淺!