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《電影音樂》頭號公敵- Ten Million Slaves / Otis Taylor
2010/08/30 11:03:12瀏覽1205|回應0|推薦6

Ten Million Slaves / Otis Taylor (歐帝斯‧泰勒)

Raining fire, 'cross the ocean
Another man there, get struck again
Raining fire, 'cross the ocean
Another man there, get struck again

Sitting down here, fallout shelter
Paint my walls, twice a week
Sitting down here, fallout shelter
Thinking about the slaves, a long time ago

Ten million slaves, 'cross the ocean
They had shackles, on their legs
Ten million slaves, 'cross the ocean
They had shackles, on their legs

Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been
Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been

Sun goes out, you'll be standing
You'll be standing, by yourself
Sun goes out, you'll be standing
You'll be standing, by yourself

Ten million slaves, 'cross the ocean
They had shackles, on their legs
Ten million slaves, 'cross the ocean
They had shackles, on their legs

Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been
Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been

Ten million slaves, 'cross the ocean
They had shackles, on their legs
Food goes bad, food goes rancid
but they ate it anyway

Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been
Don't know where, where they're going
Don't know where, where they've been

Sun goes out, you'll be standing
You'll be standing, all alone
Sun goes out, you'll be standing
You'll be standing, all alone
All alone
All alone
All alone

歌詞摘自 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1009032207104


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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