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《電影音樂》雜貨店老闆的兒子-Waterfall / Without Gravity
2010/08/05 08:38:26瀏覽2316|回應0|推薦7

Waterfall / Without Gravity

And we're holdin' up
I was tearin' up
Could we lose it all?
In a day or two?

But just listen up
This is all I've got
Could I spend it all?
On this Waterfall?

It was queit before
But now it's pullin' us in for more
You're out of your mind
But it's delivered back, just in time
Beyond yourself(?)

And we're holdin' up
I was tearin' up
Could we lose it all?
I was losin' strong

Just listen up
This is all we've
Can I spend it all?
On this Waterfall?

歌詞摘自 http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858704735/


在電影《真愛之吻》中,知道Sigur Rós 這支冰島樂團,然後在法國電影《雜貨店老闆的兒子》聽到Waterfall,相當舒服耐聽!在網上搜尋後,發現主唱是Without Gravity,它也是冰島樂團,雖然在臺灣知名度不高,但看過《雜貨店老闆的兒子》的人,應該難忘此曲Waterfall。


《電影音樂》真愛之吻-Hoppipolla / Sigur Rós http://blog.udn.com/dream11124/2005664

雜貨店老闆的兒子  http://app.atmovies.com.tw/movie/movie.cfm?action=filmdata&film_id=fgfr80864770

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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