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《電影音樂》四海兄弟- I Knew I Loved You/ 席琳狄翁
2009/06/06 22:44:39瀏覽1952|回應0|推薦13

I knew I loved you 註定愛你/ Celine Dion席琳狄翁

I knew I loved you
Before I knew you
The hands of time
Would lead me to you
An evening star
Watched from afar
It guided me here
It knew you'd be here

Now wrapped in moonlight
At last together
Here in the incandescent glow
We are all we need to know
As we softly please each other
'Til the stars and shadow go
And we sleep
With our dreams around us

Oooohhhh ahhhhhh

It guided me
It knew you'd be here

I knew I loved you
Before I found you
I knew I'd built my world around you
Now all my days
And all my nights
And my tomorrows
Will all begin
And end
With you...
With you.

歌詞轉自 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1507022711083

合輯 / 我們都愛顏尼歐.莫利克奈 - 眾星致敬特輯 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/cdfile.php?item=0020116585

摯愛:世紀情歌金選+新曲 (雙CD濃情版) / 席琳狄翁 http://shopping.g-music.com.tw/ECProduct.aspx?ProductID=0886973745229

79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 - Ennio Morricone终身成就奖 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTM1MjM1MTI=.html


「I Knew I Loved You」取自1984年電影「四海兄弟」中《黛博拉的主題》再填上歌詞,並由席琳狄翁的優美歌聲詮釋,在2007年奧斯卡金像獎頒獎上演唱,向獲得終身成就獎的莫利克奈致敬。

今年的5月31日莫利克奈大師的小巨蛋電影音樂會,就讓我度過一場畢生難忘的夜晚。真的是令人感動。 安可四次也澆不熄觀眾的熱情,不過高齡81歲的莫利克奈已經指揮演奏2.5小時左右的時間,真是夠累人的。



《影迷》裸愛:最卑微的人也該有的幸福 http://blog.udn.com/dream11124/2168097

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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