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2014/11/08 10:00:09瀏覽2215|回應0|推薦30 | |
秋末了,隔壁家的楓葉快掉光了。。。 連下了兩個多星期的雨, 清早跟夜裡, 溫度都降到攝氏10度以下。 黃、紅葉落滿地,是有種淒涼美! ******* 牛絞肉的變化菜色, 今次,來點墨西哥風味的Enchilada~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enchilada 牛絞肉內餡的部份很簡單, 只要將牛絞肉炒熟,加入洋蔥絲炒香即可。 比較費工的是它的醬------enchilada sauce! 當然市面上有賣現成的罐裝enchilada sauce, 但因比較偏鹹,所以老媽google了一下, 發現做法不複雜,要的料家裡都有, 就決定自己做了。 材料:(Enchilada sauce) 沙拉油 canola oil 1/2 tablespoon 中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 2 tablespoons 辣椒粉 chili powder 3 tablespoons 蕃茄醬汁一罐 1(8 ounce) can tomato sauce 水 water 1 1/2 cups 孜然粉 cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon 蒜粉 garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon 洋蔥粉 onion powder 1/2 teaspoon 鹽 salt to taste 牛肉內餡(beef in Tortilla)6 servings: 牛絞肉 ground beef 1 pound 洋蔥 1 medium yellow onion 碎起士(我用了cheddar cheese和一點 parmesan cheese) cheese 2 cups 鹽、胡椒 salt and pepper to taste
做法: 1)熱鍋,用小火將麵粉跟辣椒粉加炒香。 注意翻炒,麵粉很容易炒焦了! Heat canola oil in a skillet over medium, stir in flour and chili powder. Reduce the heat to low and cook until it turns brown. Stir constantly to prevent burning the chili flour.
2) 慢慢的加入蕃茄醬汁跟水,拌勻。 再加入孜然粉、蒜粉及洋蔥粉。 最後再試味道,加入少許的鹽巴調味。 Gradually stir in tomato sauce, water. Mix well and add in cumin powder, garlic powder and onion powder. Cook until it is thickened, season to taste salt.
3)牛絞肉炒熟,(不用油)將過多的水份或油脂用紙巾吸乾淨。 加入洋蔥,拌炒到洋蔥熟透了即可熄火。 Brown the ground beef, drain. Add in chopped onion, cook until the onion is soft.
4) 將炒好的肉餡,分成六份, 加到墨西哥tortilla餅皮上,撒上起士。 Spoon 1/6 of meat mixture on the center of each tortilla, sprinkle with cheese. 5) 捲起後,放到抹了一層油的烤盤上。 Roll up and place in a greased bakig pan. (13X9-inch) 6) 淋上醬汁。 Spoon enchiladas over over the rolls. 7)撒上剩餘的起士,放入預熱好的烤箱中, 烤約15分,或見起士烤成融化金黃狀即可。 Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake in the preheated(350℉) oven for about 15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted. Enjoy! 搭配新鮮沙拉,整個好開胃的感覺,是吧! |
( 興趣嗜好|烹飪烘焙 ) |