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2014/07/07 05:20:17瀏覽1240|回應1|推薦21 | |
榛果這東東,吃過。 但來美國前並不認識它的本尊,sorry~ 沒想到,它竟是我們奧勒崗的『州果』State nuts, 真是太失敬了。
榛果一杯 Hazelnuts 1 cup
中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 2 1/2 cups
可可粉(無糖) unsweetenend cocoa powder 1/4 cup
蘇打粉 baking soda 1 teaspoon
鹽巴 salt 1 teaspoon
奶油2條 butter 1 cup
二砂 brown sugar 3/4 cup
白砂糖 white sugar 3/4 cup
蛋 2 large eggs
香草精 vanilla extract 2 tablespoons
巧克力榛果醬 chocolate hazelnut spread Nutella 1/2 cup
巧克力豆 chocolate chips 1 cup
1) 將榛果放乾淨的塑膠袋中,以桿麵棍敲碎,越碎越好。
Place the hazelnuts in a plastic bag,
zip the bag and use a rolling pin to roll and crush the nuts evenly.
Combine flour, cocoa powder,baking soda
and salt in a blender bowl and mix well.
3)用另一攪拌盆將奶油、二砂跟白紗糖打均勻。 Use another mixing bowl, beat butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4)加入蛋(一次一顆)、香草精跟巧克力榛果醬,一起打勻。 Beat in eggs one at a time until completely incorported. Mix in vanilla and chocolate hazelnut spread. 5)乾粉盆中,加入打碎的榛果粉。 Mix crushed hazelnut in the flour mixture.
6)慢慢速,將乾粉一匙一匙加入巧克力榛果糊中。 Slowly add in flour mixture and stir until everything combined.
7) 加入巧克力豆,只要再攪拌一下,確認拌勻即可停止。 Add in chocolate chips.
8) 將打好的麵團用湯匙輔助,分成十二份放於烤盤上。 Drop the dough onto prepared baking sheet (place a parchment paper on the sheet) by spoon.
9)沒烤完的以保鮮膜包好,置於冷藏保存。 Put your finished dough on saran wrap, fold them and keep them in the refrigerator for later use. 10)放入預熱好350℉烤箱中,烤12至14分鐘。 Bake in preheated oven(350℉ )for 12 to 14 minutes. Cool them down and enjoy them! 2014/07/09 16:16
Dear En Chen(didill1971):
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