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2025/01/07 14:16:35瀏覽52|回應0|推薦2 | |
Ukraine Formed A Powerful New Brigade. Just One Problem—It May Be Missing Drones.The 155th Mechanized Brigade has Leopard 2 tanks and Caesar howitzers. Now it needs drones and drone jammers.. One of the Ukrainian army’s newest brigades has arrived in Ukraine after nearly three months training in Poland and France. The 155th Mechanized Brigade is arguably the best—and certainly the most heavily-armed—of the dozen or so new brigades the Ukrainian armed forces have formed in recent months.But that doesn’t mean the 155th Mechanized Brigade is ready for combat. It may be missing critical equipment. After an initial round of expansion following Russia’s wider invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Ukrainian ground forces—the army, air assault forces, marine corps, national guard and territorials—could deploy a hundred brigades, each with around 2,000 people.It was one of the biggest active land forces in the world—and it wasn’t enough. Outnumbered and outgunned by the Russian military and overstretched along the 800-mile front line of the wider war, the best Ukrainian brigades never got a chance to disengage for rest and maintenance. The elite 47th Mechanized Brigade, the main user of Ukraine’s American-made armored vehicles, was in bloody combat for 15 months before it finally rotated off the front line this fall—but even this belated break came to an abrupt end when Ukraine’s invasion of Kursk Oblast in western Russia drew the brigade back into action.
Meanwhile, in eastern Ukraine’s southern Donetsk Oblast, the 72nd Mechanized Brigade spent two years defending the fortress town of Vuhledar. Ground down and desperate for relief that never arrived, the brigade finally retreated in September, surrendering a key sector to the attacking Russians. Ukraine’s war-weary brigades need help. Four new army brigades that formed in late 2023 offered only partial relief. Starting this spring, the army stood up another seven brigades. Owing to a shortage of heavy armored vehicles, most of the new units were infantry brigades at first—and only later gained vehicles
烏克蘭士兵受訓期間,學習操作使北約及美國內武器設備,包括自走砲,坦克車,裝甲車,反坦克火箭砲及肩式導彈,無人機等先進武器設備,如今卻傳出烏克蘭155 旅的軍隊集體"失蹤事件",為什麼? .1,700 Ukrainian army soldiers missing surrender to Russia? . Soldiers from the 155th Separate Mechanized Brigade, of the Ukrainian Army - during their training in France. The brigade is now back in Ukraine, and currently deployed to eastern frontlines.High-Profile French-Trained Ukrainian Brigade Loses Commander Days Before Going to Combat Line. Ukrainian lawmaker has claimed Ukraine’s first major fighting formation trained exclusively outside the country is “in chaos.” A high-profile journalist said the unit lost 1,000 men to desertion.2024烏克蘭送往法國訓練的「第 155 機械化旅」有多達 1700 名士兵在正式投入戰鬥前「擅自離隊」,烏克蘭於 2024 年 3 月起開始組建第 155 機械化旅,於 6 月宣布將該旅士兵送至法國接受訓練。第 155 機械化旅總共裝備了 18 輛法國製的 AMX-10 型輕型坦克, 18 門 CAESAR 自走砲, 128 輛裝甲運兵車以及各種反坦克導彈與防空導彈。該旅是在北約國家接受訓練,並完全使用北約國家提供的武器,為烏克蘭的「新式北約旅」,主要目的是讓烏克蘭的軍隊使用北約及美國的制式武器裝備重返戰場與俄羅斯的軍隊廝殺並驗證成果, 截至202411.月底第 155 機械化旅正式投入戰鬥為止,總計有 1,700 名士兵選擇離隊,其中甚至有 500 人仍處於「下落不明」的狀態之中? 北約反情報軍事小組分析認為,他們500人極為可能性在法國受訓時,混入俄羅斯的特種部隊,滲透實施反滲透的抗爭策略,策劃投誠起義事件.(攜帶軍火武器)趁者月黑風高向俄羅斯軍隊投降,接受整編準備調整,再返回戰場攻擊烏克蘭,作為馬前卒的投名狀.. .. ...Ukrainian 155th Mechanized Brigade Missing on the battlefield? |
( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |