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1000句最常用英語口語 501-600
2009/03/30 21:50:16瀏覽545|回應0|推薦0
501.  You'd better look before you leap 你最好三思而後行。
502.  You know what I'm talking about.
503.  He has been sick for three weeks
504.  He inspected the car for defects
505.  I count you as one of my friends
506.  I go to school by bike every day.
507.  I have a large collection of CDs.
508.  I won't be able to see him today.
509.  I'll call a taxi in case of need
510.  Is there any sugar in the bottle?
511.  It's a secret between you and me.
512.  It's very kind of you to help me
513.  Let's divide the cake into three
514.  Patience is a mark of confidence.
515.  Susan is going to finish college
516.  That is my idea about friendship
517.  The book you ask for is sold out
518.  The boy was too nervous to speak
519.  The play may begin at any moment
520.  The salve will heal slight burns
521.  The sea sparkled in the sunlight
522.  The teacher tested us in English
523.  There is a bridge over the river.
524.  They rode their respective bikes
525.  They will arrive in half an hour
526.  Time is more valuable than money.
527.  We are all in favor of this plan
528.  We reached London this afternoon
529.  We two finished a bottle of wine
530.  What a lovely little girl she is!
531.  Will you pick me up at my place?
532.  You may choose whatever you like
533.  You're suffering from an allergy?
534.  Beyond all questions you are right.
535.  But I plan to weed the yard today.
536.  But who will do all the house work?
537.  Close the door after you
please 請隨手關門。
538.  Come to see me whenever you like
539.  Don't pull the chairs about, boys !
540.  He drives more carefully than you
541.  He invited me to dinner yesterday
542.  He struck his attacker on the ear
543.  He suddenly appeared in the party
544.  Her handbag goes with her clothes.
545.  Here we are
Row M, seats l and 3 哦,到了。M排,l號和3號。
546.  His boss might get angry with him
547.  I expect to be there this evening
548.  I really need to lose some weight
549.  I think you have the wrong number
550.  I would rather stay at home alone
551.  I'd like to look at some sweaters
552.  Its origin is still a mystery now
553.  Money is no more than our servant
554.  Once you begin
you must continue 一旦開始,你就得繼續。
555.  She is poor but quite respectable
556.  She spent a lot of money on books
557.  The girl in red is his girlfriend
558.  There is a chair below the window
559.  They employed him as a consultant
560.  To be honest with you
I'm twenty 老實說,我20歲。
561.  We often call him by his nickname
562.  Will you be free tomorrow evening?
563.  Would you like to leave a message?
564.  You can never turn the clock back
565.  You may as well tell me the truth
566.  Are your grandparents still living?
567.  Can you recognize that woman
Mary? 你能認出那個女人是誰了嗎,瑪麗?
568.  Do you have any suggestions for me?
569.  He is tough
but I am even tougher. 他是一個硬漢子,不過我要比他更硬。
570.  He made his way through the forest
571.  He suggests you leave here at once
572.  He was married to a friend of mine
573.  He will blame you for carelessness
574.  I can give you a number of excuses
575.  I don't doubt that he will help me
576.  I hope you enjoy your stay with us
577.  I'd like to repair our differences
578.  It's nothing to be surprised about
579.  It's rude to stare at other people.
580.  Bob has always had a crush on Lucy
581.  Let's take a short break for lunch
582.  Linda speaks as if she were a boss
583.  She became more and more beautiful
584.  Suppose it rains, what shall we do?
585.  The book is protected by copyright
586.  The ice is hard enough to skate on
587.  The price includes postage charges.
588.  This is a little something for you
589.  What he likes best is making jokes
590.  Who but Jack would do such a thing?
591.  You should have a mind of your own
592.  You will soon get used to the work
593.  Columbus discovered America in l492
594.  God helps those who help themselves
595.  He has a nice sum of money put away
596.  He is heavily insured against death
597.  He used to learn everything by rote
598.  He's a terrible man when he's angry
599.  I am on my way to the grocery store
600.  I am sick of always waiting for you!
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )

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