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2009/03/30 21:48:03瀏覽476|回應0|推薦0
301.  Did you enter the contest? 你參加比賽了嗎?
302.  Do you accept credit cards?
303.  Don't cry over spilt milk
304.  Don't let chances pass by
305.  He owned himself defeated
306.  He seems a little nervous
307.  He strolls about the town
308.  Her tooth ached all night.
309.  How about a drink tonight?
310.  I can do nothing but that.
311.  I get hold of you at last
312.  I have a surprise for you
313.  I like all kinds of fruit
314.  I saw it with my own eyes
315.  I will arrange everything
316.  I wish I knew my neighbor
317.  I would like to check out
318.  It has become much cooler
319.  It's time you went to bed
320.  No spitting on the street
321.  She was totally exhausted
322.  Show your tickets
please 請出示你的票。
323.  Thank you for your advice
324.  That's the latest fashion
325.  The train arrived on time
326.  There go the house lights
327.  They are paid by the hour
328.  Things are getting better
329.  Wake me up at five thirty
330.  We are all busy with work
331.  Where do you want to meet?
332.  You can get what you want
333.  A barking dog doesn't bite!
334.  Are you free this Saturday?
335.  Be careful not to fall ill
336.  Being a mother is not easy
337.  Brevity is the soul of wit
338.  Cancer is a deadly disease
339.  Did you fight with others?
340.  Don't dream away your time
341.  Don't keep me waiting long
342.  He has a remarkable memory
343.  He has completed the task
344.  He has quite a few friends
345.  He is capable of any crime
346.  He walks with a quick pace
347.  He was not a little tired
348.  His looks are always funny
349.  How about going to a movie?
350.  I think I've caught a cold
351.  I was taking care of Sally.
352.  I wish I lived in NEWYORK
353.  I'm very glad to hear that
354.  I'm your lucky fellow then.
355.  It's none of your business!
356.  No littering on the campus
357.  She is a good-looking girl.
358.  She mended the broken doll
359.  So I just take what I want
360.  Spring is a pretty season
361.  The figure seems all Right
362.  The stars are too far away
363.  The whole world knows that
364.  Tomorrow will be a holiday
365.  We walk on the garden path
366.  What you need is just rest
367.  What's your favorite steps?
368.  You'd better let her alone
369.  A lost chance never returns
370.  Don't let this get you down
371.  He shot the lion with a gun.
372.  I don't think you are right
373.  I have never seen the movie
374.  I haven't seen you for ages
375.  I was alone
but not lonely 我獨自一人,但並不覺得寂寞。
376.  I went there three days ago
377.  It's a friendly competition
378.  It's very thoughtful of you
379.  May I speak to Lora
please? 我能和勞拉說話嗎?
380.  Mr. Wang is fixing his bike
381.  My brother is seeking a job
382.  Nancy will retire next year
383.  Neither you nor he is wrong
384.  Opportunity knocks but once
385.  She dressed herself hastily
386.  She hired a car by the hour
387.  Someone is ringing the bell
388.  The Smiths are my neighbors.
389.  These shoes don't fit right
390.  This is only the first half
391.  This pen doesn't write well
392.  Would you like a cup of tea?
393.  You really look sharp today
394.  Another cat came to my house
395.  Check your answers with mine
396.  Don't keep the truth from me
397.  Everything has its beginning
398.  He came to the point at once
399.  He fell behind with his work
400.  He is the happiest man alive.
401.  He neither smokes nor drinks
402.  He ran his horse up the hill
403.  He reminds me of his brother.
404.  He was efficient in his work
405.  He will do anything but work
406.  His father runs a restaurant
407.  I have something to tell you
408.  I smelled a smell of cooking
409.  I want to see the film again
410.  I've got too much work to do
411.  Let's go for a walk
shall we? 咱們出去走走,好嗎?
412.  Please let me check the bill
413.  Plenty of sleep is healthful
414.  The sun comes up in the east
415.  This is because we feel pain
416.  What do you desire me to do?
417.  What you said was quite true.
418.  You can either stay or leave
419.  Your life is your own affair
420.  All that glitters is not gold
421.  Are you going to have a party?
422.  Aren't you concerned about it?
423.  Don't forget to keep in touch
424.  He broke his words once again.
425.  He is in his everyday clothes
426.  He is taller than I by a head
427.  He led them down the mountain
428.  He was trained to be a lawyer
429.  I am afraid that l have to go
430.  I don't have any cash with me
431.  I have been putting on weight
432.  I have just finished the book
433.  I was late for work yesterday
434.  It appears to be a true story
435.  I've got to start working out
436.  Japan is to the east of China
437.  John asked Grace to marry him
438.  My watch is faster than yours
439.  New China was founded in l949
440.  Thanks for your flattering me
441.  They charged the fault on him
442.  This car is in good condition
443.  This work itself is very easy
444.  Truth is the daughter of time
445.  We look forward to your visit
446.  What do you think of this one?
447.  What's the weather like today?
448.  A red tie will match that suit
449.  A wet road is usually slippery
450.  Example is better than precept
451.  Go right back to the beginning
452.  He does everything without aim
453.  He is respectful to his elders
454.  He knows English better than I
455.  He resolved to give up smoking
456.  His talk covered many subjects
457.  I fear that he drinks too much
458.  I have my hair cut every month
459.  I want to have a part-time job
460.  I'm sorry to have bothered you
461.  It is not so easy as you think
462.  Keep your temper under control
463.  Lying and stealing are immoral
464.  My efforts resulted in nothing
465.  My false teeth are stuck to it
466.  She is a composer for the harp
467.  Take me to the airport
please 請送我去機場。
468.  Talking with you is a pleasure.
469.  The eggs are sold by the dozen
470.  The price just covers the cost
471.  The sweater is of good quality.
472.  The teacher got a little angry
473.  Think carefully before you act
474.  Walt invented the steam engine
475.  We are divided in our opinions
476.  What ever I said
he'd disagree 不論我說什麼他都不同意。
477.  Whoever comes will be welcomed
478.  You look as if you didn't care
479.  You should look at it yourself
480.  Draw your chair up to the table
481.  He covered himself with a quilt
482.  He found my lecture interesting
483.  He had a good many friends here
484.  He is only about five feet high.
485.  Her family are all music lovers
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )

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