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Taiwan Reels From Gutter Oil Scandal


 SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 6:56 AM



1 The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a tainted-cooking-oil scandal that has affected hundreds of manufacturers and raised fears about health risks posed in many commonly consumed food items.



The scandal comes during the Mid-Autumn Festival and has dampened enthusiasm for giving and consuming mooncakes, a traditional seasonal snack.



Regulators are examining the extent to which the substandard oil has been exported to Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. 2 Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety said Maxim’s Cakes, a prominent retailer in the Chinese city, had removed from its shelves pineapple cakes made from oil from a Taiwan manufacturer implicated in the scandal.



3 On Sept. 1 the police raided a factory in southern Taiwan that is accused of producing hundreds of tons of oil that had been recycled from restaurant waste and slaughterhouse byproducts. Another company, Chang Guann, bought and reprocessed the tainted material into 782 tons of oil. Of that, 645 tons of oil were sold widely around Taiwan, with 236 tons recovered thus far, officials from the Taiwanese Food and Drug Administration said Saturday. Some of the unrecovered oil may have already been consumed, they acknowledged.



In recent years illegally recycled oil has emerged as a serious food safety concern in China, where it is known colloquially as “gutter oil.” 4 The substance is dangerous not just because of poor sanitation associated with illegal recycling operations, but because reused oil can contain carcinogens such as benzopyrene and aflatoxin.



So far no cases of illness have been associated with the recycled oil scandal in Taiwan. Yeh Ming-kung, the director of the Food and Drug Administration, said Saturday that there was no immediate health risk from the oil, but 5 the authorities have promised further testing amid criticism from consumers in Taiwan that they are playing down the threat.



6 Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah of Taiwan had called for all products known to be made with the tainted oil to be removed from store shelves by Sunday. A day earlier the Food and Drug Administration said about 167 tons of food items had been recovered, including instant noodles, cookies and dumplings.



The recycled oil scandal follows a series of incidents in 2013 that raised questions about the enforcement of food quality standards in Taiwan. 7 Several companies were found to have added illegal coloring agents to cooking oils and diluted olive oil with cheaper products such as cottonseed oil.



“Despite the rise of public attention to food safety and the authorities’ efforts to improve the quality of food manufacturing, the new scandal shows that there is still not enough being done to eliminate lawbreaking production lines,” The Taipei Times said in an editorial Monday that called for harsher punishments for food safety violations.





來玩拆句囉~~至於查單字這種 trivial matter,就交給各位讀者啦。

1 The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a tainted-cooking-oil scandal that has affected hundreds of manufacturers and raised fears about health risks posed in many commonly consumed food items.

ð (1) The authorities in Taiwan are scrambling to control a…scandal.

  (2) The scandal has affected hundreds of manufacturers.

  (3) The scandal has raised fears about health risks.

  (4) The health risks are posed in many commonly consumed food items.



一,將 (2) (3) 的主詞 The scandal 改成連接詞 that,就變成了形容詞子句,用來修飾 (1) scandal


二,將 (4) 的主詞 The health risks 一樣改成 that,修飾 (3) health risks


三,(3)+(4) 就變成 The scandal has raised fears about health risks that are posed in many commonly consumed food items. 再把連接詞 that 及輔助被動語氣的 are 一併刪除。



2 Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety said Maxim’s Cakes, a prominent retailer in the Chinese city, had removed from its shelves pineapple cakes made from oil from a Taiwan manufacturer implicated in the scandal.

ð (1) Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety said something.

  (2) Maxim’s Cakes had removed pineapple cakes from its shelves.

  (3) Maxim’s Cakes is a prominent retailer in the Chinese city [=Hong Kong].

  (4) These pineapple cakes had been made from oil from a Taiwan manufacturer.

  (5) The Taiwan manufacturer is implicated [=involved] in the scandal.



一,(2) 就是 (1) 句尾 something 的內容,所以整個 (2) 句就取代了 something,這是所謂的名詞子句,也就是拿一整句話來當名詞。理論上要有連接詞 that,不過,可以省略。


二,(3) 化身為形容詞子句,修飾 (2) 的主詞,(2)+(3) 變成 Maxim’s Cakes, which is a prominent retailer in the Chinese city had removed pineapple cakes from its shelves.


三,同上一組第三步,刪除連接詞 which is,留下的恰好就是名詞 a prominent retailer,這就成了與前方名詞文法地位相等的「同位語」。


四,(2)+(4)(4)+(5) 都是把顏色相同部分,改成形容詞子句的連接詞 that 就可以合併,之後再把這個 that be 動詞部分一起刪除。



3 On Sept. 1 the police raided a factory in southern Taiwan that is accused of producing hundreds of tons of oil that had been recycled from restaurant waste and slaughterhouse byproducts.

ð (1) On Sept. 1 the police raided a factory in southern Taiwan.

  (2) The factory is accused of producing hundreds of tons of oil.

  (3) The oil had been recycled from restaurant waste and slaughterhouse byproducts.





4 The substance is dangerous not just because of poor sanitation associated with illegal recycling operations, but because reused oil can contain carcinogens such as benzopyrene and aflatoxin.

ð (1) The substance is dangerous not just because of poor sanitation (that is) associated with illegal recycling operations.

  (2) The substance is dangerous but (also) because reused oil can contain carcinogens 致癌物質 such as benzopyrene 苯比啶 and aflatoxin 黃麴毒素.



一,以「not just/only…but (also)…」來列舉地溝油危險的兩個理由。

二,這兩點理由文法形式不同,一是名詞 poor sanitation,一是子句 reused oil can contain carcinogens,所以前者用的連接是介系詞版的 because of,後者是從屬連接詞 because



5 The authorities have promised further testing amid criticism from consumers in Taiwan that they are playing down the threat.

ð (1) The authorities have promised further testing amid criticism from consumers in Taiwan.

  (2) The criticism is that they [=the authorities 政府當局] are playing down the threat.


原句把解釋 criticism 的名詞子句放在有點遙遠的地方,不巧中途還來個複數名詞 consumers,害我猛一看,誤以為 they 指涉的先行詞是 consumers 消費者,而消費者企圖淡化餿水油的危害 play down the threat!真是誤會很大。



6 Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah of Taiwan had called for all products known to be made with the tainted oil to be removed from store shelves by Sunday.

ð (1) Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah of Taiwan had called for all products to be removed from store shelves by Sunday.

  (2) These products are known to be made with the tainted oil.





7 Several companies were found to have added illegal coloring agents to cooking oils and diluted olive oil with cheaper products such as cottonseed oil.

ð (1) Several companies were found to have added illegal coloring agents 著色劑 to cooking oils.

  (2) Several companies were found to have diluted 稀釋 olive oil with cheaper products such as cottonseed oil.


用對等連接詞 and 將兩組不定詞片語連起來,重複的 to have 刪除。******************************************************************如果您讀到這裡了,我佩服你的堅定意志!!

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