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2021/08/14 06:27:48瀏覽913|回應0|推薦2 | |
以下是一至三段的句子分析,當作範例,請大家品品一些貌似驚人的長難句,拆解開來就不難理解,更不至於誤解。其他幾段的句子分析,容我留給學生練習囉~~ Color code: 藍字為主詞,紅字為動詞,綠字為動詞的受詞,紫字為主詞或受詞的補語。 Paragraph 1: 這是首段,我分析得比較細,每句拆成基本的單句給大家看 1. The COVID-19 pandemic has been met by unequal responses in different countries and led to unequal impacts, with populations in Europe, the USA, and Latin America disproportionately impacted. (1a) the COVID-19 pandemic (主詞) has been met (動詞,被動語態) / by unequal responses (介係詞片語,修飾動詞) / in different countries (同前) (1b) and the COVID-19 pandemic has led to (動詞,主動語態) unequal impacts (受詞), / with populations (in Europe, the USA, and Latin America 介係詞片語,修飾名詞 populations) disproportionately impacted (形容詞,修飾 populations) 2. Science has uncovered much about SARS-CoV-2 and made extraordinary and unprecedented progress on the development of COVID-19 vaccines, but there is still great uncertainty as the pandemic continues to evolve. (2a) science has uncovered much / about SARS-CoV-2 (介係詞片語,修飾 much) (2b) science has made extraordinary and unprecedented progress / on the development (介係詞片語,修飾 progress) / of COVID-19 vaccines (介係詞片語,修飾 development) (2c) but there is still great uncertainty (2d) as the pandemic continues to evolve 3. COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out in many countries, but this does not mean the crisis is close to being resolved. (3a) COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out / in many countries (介係詞片語,修飾動詞) (3b) but this does not mean < 連接詞that省略 > the crisis is close to being resolved (名詞子句,為主詞補語) 註:名詞子句結構 the crisis is close / to being resolved (介係詞片語,完成形容詞 close 的意義) 4. We are simply moving / to a new phase (介係詞片語,修飾動詞) / of the pandemic (介係詞片語,修飾名詞 phase). Paragraph 2 1. What emerges next (名詞子句,當主詞) will partly depend / on the ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2, / on the behaviour of citizens, / on governments’ decisions about how to respond to the pandemic, / on progress in vaccine development and treatments and also in a broader range of disciplines in the sciences and humanities that focus both on bringing this pandemic to an end and learning how to reduce the impacts of future zoonoses, / and on the extent to which the international community can stand together in its efforts to control COVID-19. 這句字數很多,可是從結構上來論,是個單純句 (simple sentence),就是同一組主詞和動詞,後面跟了五個 “on…” 介係詞片語。前三個都還好,就是 “on + 名詞片語 / of或about + 名詞片語。後兩個要小心: (1d) on progress {in vaccine development and treatments (介係詞片語一,修飾 progress)} and also {in a broader range / of disciplines / in the sciences and humanities (介係詞片語二,修飾 progress) / [that focus / both on bringing this pandemic to an end / and learning how to reduce the impacts of future zoonoses (形容詞子句,修飾disciplines)]} (1e) on the extent [to which / the international community can stand together / in its efforts / to control COVID-19] (形容詞子句,修飾 extent) 註:to which = to the extent 2. Vaccines alone, unless they achieve high population coverage, offer long-lasting protection, and are effective in preventing both SARS-CoV-2 transmission and COVID-19, will not end the pandemic or allow the world to return to “business as usual”. (2a) vaccines alone will not end the pandemic / or allow the world to return to “business as usual” (2b) unless they achieve high population coverage, offer long-lasting protection, and are effective / in preventing both SARS-CoV-2 transmission and COVID-19 註:這兩個子句分別以對等連接詞 or 和 and 各自串起兩個動詞、三個動詞 3. Until high levels of global vaccine-mediated protection are achieved across the world, it could be catastrophic if measures such as mask wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene are relaxed prematurely. (3a) it could be catastrophic 這是主要子句,重要訊息 (3b) if measures (such as mask wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene) are relaxed prematurely 這是主要子句提及內容發生的條件 (3c) until high levels (of global vaccine-mediated protection) are achieved across the world 這是時間子句,在此之前可能的狀況就是 (3a) 4. Countries, communities, and individuals must be prepared to cope / in the longer-term (修飾不定詞 cope) / with both the demands and the consequences (同前) / of living with such essential containment and prevention measures (修飾名詞 demands and consequences). Paragraph 3 1. Many factors will determine the overall outcome (of the pandemic). 2. A nationalistic rather than global approach to vaccine delivery is not only morally wrong but will also delay any return to a level of “normality” (including relaxed border controls) because no country can be safe until all countries are safe. (2a) A nationalistic rather than global approach (to vaccine delivery) is not only morally wrong but will also delay any return to a level of “normality” (including relaxed border controls) (2b) because no country can be safe / until all countries are safe 註:整個 (2b) 修飾的是 (2a),而 (2b) 裡的 until 時間子句修飾的是 no country can be safe 3. SARS-CoV-2 could continue to mutate in ways [that both accelerate virus transmission and reduce vaccine effectiveness (形容詞子句,說明 ways)]. 4. Vaccine hesitancy, misinformation, and disinformation could compromise the global COVID-19 response. 5. Naive assumptions (about herd immunity), / given the appearance of new and challenging SARS-CoV-2 variants (介係詞 given 引導的片語,修飾整句話,可移到句首), / could seriously risk repeated outbreaks and recurrences. 6. SARS-CoV-2 can probably never be globally eradicated, because of its presence in many animals (including cats and dogs) / and because of incomplete vaccine coverage and variable degrees of immunological protection. 註:簡短的主要子句之後,是兩個 because of 引導的介係詞片語 7. Hence, ongoing strategies (to deal with the endemic presence of SARS-CoV-2 / in populations / over the long term) will be needed. 8. Furthermore, we do not yet know if, and when, revaccination with current or new COVID-19 vaccines will be required since the duration of immunological protection and the efficacy against emergent SARS-CoV-2 variants remain unknown. (8a) we do not yet know [if, and when, revaccination (with current or new COVID-19 vaccines) will be required] 註:連接詞 if 及 when 共同引導的名詞子句,為 know 的受詞,為了標出結構,不以綠色呈現 (8b) since the duration (of immunological protection) and the efficacy (against emergent SARS-CoV-2 variants) remain unknown 9. With such uncertainties, we should not assume [that recent scientific progress (on COVID-19 diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments) will end the pandemic]. 註:that引導的名詞子句,為 assume 的受詞,為了標出結構,不以綠色呈現 10. The world is likely to have many more years (of COVID-19 decision making) / ahead—there is no quick solution available / at present. |
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