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2014/04/28 02:12:19瀏覽650|回應0|推薦0



下面這個句子來自紐約時報(The New York TimesInternational Business 版,談的是法國對企業不友善的法規和文化,讓不少想創業的年輕人選擇離鄉背井。


原標題:Au Revoir, Entrepreneurs 再見了,企業家

Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain from his sweater and headed down to a cavernous basement inside Campus London, a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops , working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn. (51 words)


這句的主幹是由主角 Santacruz 以及兩個動作組成的:

Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain from his sweater <and> headed down to a cavernous basement inside Campus London, a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops, working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn.


其他都是修飾或說明用的訊息。其中有幾個(介系詞 + 名詞字組)形態的修飾語(紫字):

Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain (from his sweater) <and> headed down (to a cavernous basement)(inside Campus London), a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops, working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn.



Ÿ From what did he brush the rain?  From his sweater.

Ÿ To what direction did he head?  To a cavernous basement.

Ÿ Where was the basement?  Inside Campus London.



Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain (from his sweater) <and> headed down (to a cavernous basement)(inside Campus London), a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops, working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn.



Ÿ Who is Guillaume Santacruz?  An aspiring French entrepreneur.

Ÿ What is Campus London?  A seven-story hive.





Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain (from his sweater) <and> headed down (to a cavernous basement)(inside Campus London), a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops, working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn.



Ÿ How did people position their bodies in the hive?

  People were hunched over laptops there.


不過這次的答案有句子的主幹People were),要把這一串接到原本的主幹上,可得找個連接詞。此時作者靈光一閃:「咦?句尾的 there 不就是說 in the seven-story hive 嗎?何不利用這個重疊點來連接?」於是把表示地點的 there,換成也表示地點、又可以當連接詞的 where,就結啦!



Guillaume Santacruz, an aspiring French entrepreneur, brushed the rain (from his sweater) <and> headed down (to a cavernous basement)(inside Campus London), a seven-story hive run by Google in the city’s East End, where people were hunched over laptops, working on plans to create the next Facebook or LinkedIn.


Ÿ Who runs [=manages] the hive?  It is run by Google.

Ÿ What were the people doing there?  They were working on plans.


這次的答案又有句子的主幹,應該要有連接詞才能接到原本的主幹上。此時靈光再度乍現:「耶?It is run by Google It 就是指前面的 hiveThey were working on plans They 也是指前面的 people,都是重疊點哩!」於是把 it 換成也表示事物、又可以當連接詞的 that,把they 換成表示人、又可以當連接詞的 who

Ÿ a seven-story hive that is run by Google

Ÿ people…, who were working on plans


這時靈光大神提醒作者:「你不過是要修飾兩個名詞 hive people,可以簡潔一些,用形容詞就行了。」


「在 is were 後面的不就是嗎?」


「已經不算了,它們都變了裝,跟在 is/are/am/was/were 後面就可以算是形容詞啦。」


於是作者明快地砍掉連接詞及 is were,果然意義還在,用字也精簡多了。






( 知識學習語言 )
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