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《歌曲分享》Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (7/13)
2008/08/04 06:52:12瀏覽1861|回應0|推薦10

Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin

Amazing grace 奇異恩典
How sweet the sound 何等甘甜
That saved a wretch like me 我罪已得赦免
I once was lost, but now I’m found 前我失喪,今被尋回
Was blind, but now I see 瞎眼今得看見

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear 如此恩典 使我敬畏
And grace my fears relieved 使我心得安慰
How precious did that grace appear 初信之時 既蒙恩惠
The hour I first believed 真是何等寶貴

My chains are gone 枷鎖已解
I’ve been set free 今得自由
My God, my Savior has ransomed me 我神我主 祂救贖我
And like a flood His mercy reigns 如洪水般 憐憫滿溢
Unending love, Amazing grace 無盡的愛,奇異恩典

The Lord has promised good to me 救主應許,愛我真切
His word my hope secures 使我今得盼望
He will my shield and portion be 主是盾牌,是我產業,
As long as life endures 是我生命保障

My chains are gone 枷鎖已解
I’ve been set free 今得自由
My God, my Savior has ransomed me 我神我主 祂救贖我
And like a flood His mercy reigns 如洪水般 憐憫滿溢
Unending love, Amazing grace 無盡的愛,奇異恩典

My chains are gone 枷鎖已解
I’ve been set free 今得自由
My God, my Savior has ransomed me 我神我主 祂救贖我
And like a flood His mercy reigns 如洪水般 憐憫滿溢
Unending love, Amazing grace 無盡的愛,奇異恩典

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow 世界將如雪化烏有
The sun forbear to shine 太陽不再閃耀
But God, Who called me here below 但那呼召我來的神
Will be forever mine 將永遠屬於我
Will be forever mine 將永遠屬於我
You are forever mine 主祢永遠屬我

( 休閒生活音樂 )

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