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2008/08/22 22:42:32瀏覽907|回應6|推薦72 | |
你攜著她翩翩然而來 日日龐大的陣容更添秀麗佳人 踏上崎嶇不平的山間小徑 月光在腳步聲影下颯颯地微寒抖動 一行人來到一處喚"無名"的茶坊 啜上一杯果真無可名喻的紅茶加蘭姆 濃馥香醇不沉醉也麻醉 輕煙飄邈在吞雲吐霧之中 黑暗中眼前逕自五彩繽紛了起來 拾一角山坡石階趺坐 遠眺迷人的夜色點點燈火如星 來自世界各地的一夥人千里也有緣 愛慕自由和平的年輕心靈活潑奔放 宛若吟遊詩人般地 唱起那遙遠的故鄉之歌 你鄉我鄉他鄉原本一鄉 吉他撥弄著鼓聲敲打在我們的心 你心我心他心無分別心 此起彼落的歌聲幽婉似小溪潺潺 穿梭徘徊的音符在指間如精靈般蹦跳 不追不趕的節拍伴隨沉而不寂的間歇 悠揚輕快的旋律縹縹緲緲迴盪耳際 傾訴衷曲的還有那不知名的樂器 在唇齒間共鳴著振動著感應著 空氣中殘存著最後的曖昧與矜持也融化投降 真摯的笑容在我們眼底水汪汪地蕩漾開來 恰似一朵朵心花綻放緩緩起舞步向蓮池冥想的空間 好一群瀟灑陶醉的遊子歸人呵 用青春熱情把這小鎮塗抹地更加紅豔 還不忘將來時路上的碎石踩地嘩嘩響 嘈擾了更多僧尼與求道人士的菩提清夢 人說這山城裡連野狗都異常靈性 當真悄然無聲地成群結隊地隨行在側 亦步亦趨地陪伴著我們收尾起 漸慢調卻仍意猶未盡的即興作樂 行樂何需明日再及時?! 後記: Jamming/Jam Session "an informal gathering of musicians to play improvised or unrehearsed music" 也就是說愛好音樂的人士,在非正式的場合下湊在一塊兒,演奏彈弄各種不同的樂器,或伴隨著歌唱及各式聲效,即興並盡情地互動作樂。因為是即興所以每一歌或曲都是絕唱!"獨樂樂不如與眾樂樂"的精髓在這種形式下真正發揮到了極至! Jamming is for now, coz tomorrow is too late! You arrived drifting with the nymph who joined radiance in our growing band trotting the rocky path painted by trembling moonlight our steps broke the serenity of the valley A nameless man served us nameless drinks mixing nameless rum and tea we sank in the fragrance of the elixir and floated in blue cloud of weed colourful shadowed distilled as we dreamed under the mantel of million stars gathered gracious burning hearts stories of entangled karma hills of the dark night lit up like vagabond poets of archaic past we sang the melodies of our distant lands your land, my land, no land is a foreign land tempos, tones and heartbeats your heart, my heart, no heart is a distant heart our voices orchestrated with the mountain creek, singing each notes slipped through the finger tips, jumping allegro non troppo danced with warm silence, breathing vivacious melodies caressed our eardrums, echoing instruments that carry no names joined the party the strings sensed our teeth and tongue, resonating anxiety and defence dissolved in the air, capitulating earnest smiles broke in on our face, blossoming as lotus of the heart ascended into space, meditating travellers of soul and freedom! we coloured the village red with youthful energy how many monastic dreams did they awake with our footsteps on the returning street? even wild dogs here are spiritual, they say for they escorted us in silence loyal companies of our singing band music slowly waded yet our joy retained jamming is for now, coz tomorrow is too late! - Original in Chinese by Daidi Hu -
- English translation by Jerry H. Yu -
( 創作|詩詞 ) |