Google is taking to the air. The online giant has announced plans to test a network of stratosphere-wandering balloons intended to provide Internet access to the two-thirds of humanity who still can't log on to the web.
The solar-powered balloons transmit signals to each other high in the sky, signals which eventually find their way to a user's "Internet antenna" on the Earth below. The balloons simply drift with the winds--algorithms help the balloons rise or fall into the wind pattern that will take them where they need to go.

Worried about balloon-airplane (A)collisions? They're not (1)terribly likely, given that Google's Loon Balloons will travel (2)far higher than most other air traffic.
擔心氣球和飛機相撞嗎? 這幾乎不可能,因為Google的氣球飛行高度遠高於其他空中交通工具。

If it works, how can this kind of technology potentially change life on Earth? The sky's the limit. A 2011 study found that whenever a nation doubles its (B)broadband speed, economic output increases by 0.3%. Imagine the impact on a developing country, if a high percentage of its citizens were quickly able to go from no-Internet access to full-Internet access without having to first build physical (C)infrastructures for Internet connectivity on the ground. 
如果真的成功,這樣的科技可能怎樣改變世界? 一份2011年的研究發現,當一個國家的寬頻速度加倍,經濟輸出會提升千分之三。想像一下,不需要在地面上打造網路連接的實體基礎建設,就有高比例的國民從完全沒有網路快速轉變成可以完整存取網路,這對一個開發中國家會有什麼樣的影響。

More access to the Internet in the developing world has the potential to open up new online markets for business, fuel technological innovation, educate more people, and help empower women and the poor. Of course, mobile Internet access has been spreading across the world--but think of all the things you can't do as easily on a tiny mobile device as you can on a tablet or low-end laptop, like apply for a job or write a business plan. Though the rise of the smartphone is often (3)hailed as a great democratizer, there are definite drawbacks to mobile-only Internet access across the world.

For Google, the benefits are invaluable--and obvious. The more people on Earth who have access to the Internet, the more people who can make use of Google's online products--and be exposed to its vast advertising network. This certainly isn't Google's only attempt to connect more people to the web--for example, last year the company launched Google Fiber, its fiber-optic superfast broadband network in the American Midwest.
對Google而言,好處是無價的,也顯而易見。世界上越多人能夠上網,就越多人會使用Google的線上產品,並且接觸到它龐大的廣告網絡。這並不是Google第一次嘗試讓更多人連上網路,例如去年他們就在美國中西部發起Google Fiber,超高速光纖寬頻網路。

Project Loon started in June 2013 with an experimental pilot in New Zealand. 
Project Loon於2013年6月開始在紐西蘭進行飛行測試。