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2015/01/01 01:54:05瀏覽4887|回應0|推薦7 | |
a) 鴻鵠之志 b) 牽就 c) 拖延 Your 30s are typically a time of settling down. The following is some wise advice from those who have already experienced their 30s. 到了30歲是該安定下來的時候。以下幾位已經歷30歲這個階段,提供他們自身的一些忠告。
1. They spend time with people who add value to their lives. Stop spending time with those who don’t treat you well and instead spend more time with loved ones. “Don’t just work. Make memories. The older you get, the harder it is to make meaningful relationships,” writes Microsoft product designer Michael Bach. 1. 他們和能讓生命增值的人相處。 不要再和不能善待你的人相處,而應花更多時間和所愛的人在一起。微軟產品設計師Michael Bach表示:「不要一味工作,而要創造回憶。年齡愈大,則愈難培養有深度的情誼。」
2. They pursue their a) loftier aspirations Twenty-something often b) settle for a job they are not passionate about. Before they know it, a temporary job becomes a career. While it’s certainly more difficult to switch industries in your 30s, it’s not impossible and may be the right choice. 2. 他們追求更崇高的志向。 20歲的人往往牽就一份他們不熱愛的工作。當他們意識到時,一份臨時的工作已經變成了事業。雖然30歲時想要轉行很困難,但並非不可能,而且可能會是正確的抉擇。
3. They don’t obsess about the future. Author Mark Manson realized in his 20s that there is not a magical moment where you start feeling like an adult who has it all figured out. You cannot even anticipate your life 5 years into the future. 3、他們不擔心未來。 作家Mark Manson在20幾歲時就領悟到,並不會有那神奇的時刻-開始感覺自己如成人恍然大悟。你甚至無法預知5年後的生活。
4. They decide whether they want kids or not. Kids certainly are not for everyone, but c) putting off having children for an ideal situation is a bad idea. If you want to have kids, have them before it’s too late. Kids are great. They make you better in every way. 4、他們決定要不要有小孩。 有小孩不見得適合每個人,但為了現在的理想狀況而延後生小孩不會是個好主意。如果你想要小孩,趕快生吧,以免太遲。小孩很棒,能夠提昇你的生命。
5. They take care of their health. Make exercise and healthy eating habits a priority. “Be healthy. That is priority 1. Don't get into your 30s being slow and tired all the time,” Bach writes on question-and-answer website Quora. 5、他們重視自己的身體健康。 視運動以及健康的飲食習慣為首要項目。Bach在問答Quora網站寫道:「身體健康,是最重要的。不要到邁入30歲時常常覺得疲累和動作越來越慢。」
6. They establish a financial foundation for the future. If you hit 30 and you’ve set nothing aside, it’s not too late to 1) start the ball rolling.By this point, you need to save up for your retirement. Determine first what percentage of your paycheck you can easily live without and put it away at a bank. 6、他們為未來打好經濟基礎。 如果你已經30歲但尚未存錢,現在開始還不會太遲。此時你需要為退休生活存錢。先決定可存款的薪水比例,然後存到銀行裡。
7. They still enjoy themselves. And finally, just because you’re not in your 20s anymore doesn’t mean you need to stop having fun. 2) Bear in mind that none of the money you work hard to make matters if you are not enjoying life. 7、他們仍然享受人生。 最後一點,只因為你已不再是20幾歲,並不代表你不能享受人生。請記住,如果你的生命索然無味,辛苦掙來的錢便毫無意義可言。
口語詞彙: 1. Start the ball rolling 採取具體行動 Since our office has decided to recycle paper, we should start the ball rolling right away. 既然辦公室已決定開始回收廢紙,我們應該立即採取具體行動。 John has started the ball rolling by setting up a series of meetings and notifying everyone involved.約翰已經採取具體行動:安排一系列的會議,並通知相關人員。 2. Bear something in mind 牢記,考慮 Bearing in mind that she’s had so little experience, I thought she had done a good job. 考慮到她的經驗如此之少,我認為她的表現已經不錯。 As a generation gap exists, we should bear in mind that younger people might not like this idea. 由於有代溝存在,我們應該考慮到,年輕人可能不會喜歡這個點子。 |
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