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2013/10/30 03:09:48瀏覽321|回應0|推薦0

2012/01/19 想做批給寶寶的皂已經幾個月了,  (For 瑋瑋的W)  最近終於動手做了。 這批油重 700克,  是我做過最小的量。   總算知道為什麼臺灣喜歡使用手動的攪拌器打了。  百靈小子幾乎抓不到皂液。  很多時間一直是不啓動機器的在皂液中畫圓, 結果很快就到 trace (美奶滋狀)了。  因為皂溫都在40℃左右,  很怕攪拌不均,  結果變成過稠 over trace.

over trace 就會有些氣泡

↑   配方來自娜娜媽的天然修護手工皂 p77

↑  第一個脫模的薑餅人很軟。  進入冰箱冰一下,  後面的線條就比較俐落。

鴕鳥油的英文有兩種→→ Ostrich oil、 Emu Oil 。 我還上網查了一下:
A Oil Comparison Study was conducted for the Ontario Ratite Association, in 2001, by Maxxam Analytics Inc. The study concluded that all three oils (ostrich, emu and rhea) were very closely related. This fact was reflected by the close proximity of the the percentage values. Not only will ostrich oil perform the same as emu oil but in several areas (denoted in green in the table below) it even surpasses the Guide lines that have been set for emu oil by the emu oil industry? Ostrich oil even has the higher content of Omega 3, 6, and 3/6 than emu oil.

Ostrich oil is non-comedogenic, in other words, does not clog pores. Some research shows that, when the essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, are applied to wounds, they will show improvement. We know that the fatty acids are very important for cell growth and division and recovery. It is thought that it's content of , is why many find relief to skin problems. The chemical structure of ostrich oil is very similar to that of human skin. Ostrich oil is quite high in oleic acid, which is also quite high in human skin. The fatty acid composition of ostrich oil is also quite similar to human skin. As a result, ostrich oil is transdermal.

What is the sap value?
The sap value is 175-210. I prefer using the lower numbers for my soap or I use the "emu" selection box on the MMS lye calculator. I use 7 or 8 percentage superfat. Ostrich oil gives soap a wonderful rich creamy feel.

Why is there a spread in the sap value numbers?
I do not know for sure. It probably varies due to feed. If you look at the Gentle Ridge Emu Oil website you will find a similar spread with emu oil also. This is what Deena says about emu oil in soap: "SAP VALUE: 180-200 (to be safe use 190-195, which converts to 0.139 on some popular soap making calculator spreadsheets)"

不放心之下又自行計算過。  結果跟書上的數據沒有出入:
coconut   130g x 0.19 = 24.7
palm        140g x 0.141 =19.74
cocoa butter 90g x0.137=12.33
avocado  120g x 0.133 = 15.96
emu         160g x 0.135 = 21.6
castor      60g x 0.1286 = 7.716
Lye = 102.046    103g
goat milk             240g
Sweet orange EO   8g

1/17/12   室溫64℉,  濕度63%
油溫52℃ ,  鹼水42℃,  打皂時間 20 分鐘。  Trace 時溫度為45℃。

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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