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性騷擾-不受歡迎的觸碰 的定義法規與罰則
2019/10/09 16:16:03瀏覽1569|回應0|推薦23

不受歡迎的觸碰是性騷擾最普遍的一種 但不是唯一

我不是律師 但因為家裏都是女生

我從她們6歲就開始 教她們翻譯理解以下的法規作為教戰手冊

這是NSW的法律 但各地應該大同小異


並且在上法院前 就對官司的勝算具備信心



1. 罰則: (https://www.criminaldefencelawyers.com.au/criminal-law/offences/sexual-offences/indecent-assault/)

不受歡迎的觸碰 是犯罪 最高可判處5年徒刑


Sexual touching is now an offence under section 61KC Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). It carries a maximum penalty of up to 5-years imprisonment in the District Court if the case ends up being finalised in the District Court. Otherwise, the maximum penalty that a Local Court Magistrate can impose is up to 2-years imprisonment.



        觸碰10-16         最高10年徒刑

        10歲以下               最高16年徒刑


The maximum penalties are heavier if the victim involved in the sexual touching was a child:

· If the child was between the age of 10-16 years, the penalty is up to 10-years imprisonment.

· If the child was under 10-years of age, the penalty is up to 16-years imprisonment.


2. 法規:



¨          加害者已經想到受害者可能不同意 卻還是冒險觸碰

¨          加害者不在乎受害者是否同意 就逕行觸碰

¨          加害者根本沒想過受害者是否同意 就已經觸碰

¨          加害者明知故犯


An accused person will be considered by the court to have known that the alleged victim was not consenting to the touching in any one of the following scenarios (if it is proven beyond reasonable doubt by the prosecution):


·The accused person had turned his/her mind to the possibility that the alleged victim did not consent, but took the risk anyway; or

·The accused person didn’t care as to whether the alleged victim was consenting at the time; or

·The accused person didn’t even turn his/her mind to the issue of whether the alleged victim was providing consent at the time; or

·The accused person knew that the victim didn’t consent.






¨          直接觸碰

¨          教唆觸碰

¨          教唆他人觸碰

¨          教唆受害者去觸碰


61KC Sexual touching

Any person (the alleged offender) who without the consent of another person (the alleged victim) and knowing that the alleged victim does not consent intentionally-


(a)  sexually touches the alleged victim, or

(b)  incites the alleged victim to sexually touch the alleged offender, or

(c)  incites a third person to sexually touch the alleged victim, or

(d)  incites the alleged victim to sexually touch a third person,

is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty—Imprisonment for 5 years.



去除誣告 若能拿出證據 或列舉出證人 只要提告 官司幾乎是贏定了 這種一碰關5 是一個很嚴厲的條款

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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