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BBC is compromising its credibility! (外國情侶的女方與家屬指控隔離中心像監獄)
2020/03/28 19:42:08瀏覽1088|回應0|推薦15
As we know about the BBC news "Fears for daughter in quarantine in Taiwan", I think  BBC is compromising its credibility.

BBC 第一版本的報導只有外國情侶的女方與女方媽媽的單方面說法,當花蓮衛生局講出事情的來龍去脈並出示照片之後,BBC 發現原來有熱水、也有洗衣機與脫水機、也有沐浴間、而且房間還不小(約有 7 到 8 坪),隨即修改原文並登出修改版的文章(內容已經跟第一版本有一段差異,刪除了不少不實的陳述),文中增列部分花蓮衛生局所澄清的照片,但卻沒有登出沐浴間與洗衣機脫水機的照片,不知是否有點刻意。整個事件的發展與 BBC 直接大幅度地修改原文,而不是在原文之後增列臺灣官方澄清的作法,讓個人對 BBC 的信任度已經下降了若干格。

BBC 的記者為何如此魯莽而沒有求證?是聽到的當下因為帶有種族優越感或大英帝國的優越感所引發的不平而導致魯莽行事嗎?是認為比較落後的國家與種族怎麼可以如此對待她的國民而所引發的莽撞所造成的嗎?是基於「認為臺灣是比較落後的國家與種族,所以在人道上與環境安置上一定很差,何需求證」所造成的魯莽嗎?

BBC news on March 26, 2020; it was saying that a British woman was being kept in prison-like conditions. The accusation was false, and BBC removed this news two days later. BBC has not apologized for this report so far.

雖然這名女子已經向花蓮衛生局的人員道歉,也透過管道聯絡 BBC 將新聞下架,但對臺灣的傷害已經造成,而且 BBC 沒有為這起「沒有求證就逕自報導」的不實新聞道歉,這讓許多臺灣人頗為不滿。


讓我們來看看 BBC 第一版的陳述。

The following screenshot shows the very first edition and critical statements. In my view, these critical statements are more like accusations. Later on, the photos of the local quarantine facilities will tell the truth.

------------ the beginning of the screenshot ------------

------------ the end of the screenshot ------------

The following photo shows the corridor exterior of the local quarantine facilities.

The following photo shows the room in which the British woman lives.

The British woman and her mother think "The room is filthy", and BBC reporter just quoted the account without verification. What do you think? the semantics of "filthy" is stronger than "very dirty", do you really think the statement "The room is filthy." fits the photo?

A statement said that "There was no hot water.", but the fact is: One day, the water heater was broken, and the local goverment did send an electrician to fix it after being informed.

A statement said that "The British woman got nowhere to wash her clothes.", but the fact is: There are two washing machines beside the shower rooms.

The shower rooms: Look at this photo carefully, there are two washing machines at the entry corner.


There are two washing machines in each shower compartment.
The washing machines: 

A statement said that "The food is of poor quality and meager portions.", this is another false accusation, the following two photos will tell the truth.

The meal for the man: 

The British woman has a medical condition called "celiac desease", that means she cannot eat the foods containing gluten, so the local goverment has to prepare a special meal for her. If she wants larger portion, she can inform the local goverment. 

The meal for the British woman: 

The mother of the British woman told BBC that "They were taken away and not told why." This is a false accusation, the fact is:

The couple had been told by the local goverment that they could get hotel rooms for quaratine if they were willing to pay, but they did not have much cash so that they asked the local goverment for help, hence they were being kept in local quarantine facilities for NT250 (7 pounds) a day, including 3 meals, a bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe, and facilities to take a shower and wash clothes, no TV but WiFi is available. 

What do you expect when you were in quarantine? especially for just 7 pounds a day? In comparison, lets check out the food price in London.


BBC published this news without any verifications, and Taiwanese people were upset about it.  We wonder why the reporter writing this news did not verify the account in the first place, and we wonder if this kind of reckless reporting practice is somehow related to "white supremacy" or "Britain(apostrophe)s sense of superiority"? to put it simply and bluntly, the reporter and BBC think that British people are superior to Taiwanese people, hence it is not necessary to verify the account, and there is no need to issue a public apology when the account has been proven to be false.

BBC is compromising its credibility!


to blog administrator: Please do not remove the apostrophe between letters automatically, it is causing troubles for people who write articles in English.

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