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Who is Houston’s “Queen of Food”?
2013/03/27 00:01:54瀏覽2440|回應12|推薦193

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為了向喜愛美食的朋友介紹女兒一手創辦的休士頓老饕俱樂部~The Houston Chowhounds,上網古狗時,突然蹦出這篇《 Who is Houston’s “Queen of Food”?》,




Who is Houston’s “Queen of Food”?

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Did you know in a study conducted in 2005, USA Today termed Houston as the “dining out capital of the nation”? But as big as Houston is, how do you know where to go when you want to dine out?

Simple. Ask Jenny Wang.

 Jenny Wang, local freelance food critic, is the queen of food in the city of Houston! At least, that’s our opinion. Not only is Ms. Wang an accomplished food writer, she’s the founder of The Houston Chowhounds and co-host/producer of Southbound Foods radio show. She’s also the recent proprietor of family restaurant Hunan Garden in Kingwood, TX.

Jenny Wang produces and co-hosts local food radio talk show Southbound Food (Was airs 11am on Saturdays on 1560→ Now on NewsRadio 740 KTRH. Airs every Saturday from 4-5 pm) with James Beard and nominated chef/owner of Reef, Bryan Caswell. Her writing has appeared in Houston Chronicle, My Table Magazine, Houston Modern Luxury Magazine, 002 Magazine, Citysearch, and Juli B.com.

Ms. Wang also founded and leads the local food fanatic group called the Houston Chowhounds, which has over 800 members, and is responsible for the popular chef throwdowns which have received extensive local media coverage. Jenny is also the President of the Houston Council of Fearless Critics.

The Houston Chowhounds are a group of 800+ food fanatics, amateur to professional.  We are food hobbyists, writers, bloggers, photographers, chefs, cooks, and other foodservice professionals who take the art of eating and “chowhounding” for the very best food extremely seriously. 

We have organized some spectacular events such as Miracle Berry Flavor Tripping parties and our annual BBQ smackdown in which food from six highly acclaimed local BBQ restaurants were blind tasted and judged. 

Our quarterly chef throwdowns generate a huge buzz in the local community. We demonstrate an unfaltering determination to find the best eats where ever we go.”

Southbound Food radio show (Producer/Co-Host · Jul 2009 to present · Houston, Texas) ~ Kick-ass radio that tastes great! Discussing anything and everything food-related from local restaurant/chef news, food trends, Top Chef, wine making, Texas spirits, craft beers and more.


相片:We're saying goodbye to our Santa tonight. https://www.facebook.com/hunangardenKW

MT Eater Houston (@EaterHouston): Your picks the #2 for the 11 Favorite American-Style Chinese Restaurants


December 29, 2011

As 2011 comes to an end, here are 29-95's resident foodies' most memorable bites of the year:


Wok work at Hunan Garden

I was warned when I first moved to Houston three years ago that the city lacked good Chinese food. While I found that's not entirely true, it wasn't easy finding the kind of Chinese take-away I took for granted while living in New York and Connecticut. This year, I found awesome Chinese from Hunan Garden in Kingwood, and fabulous stone pies from Alto Pizzeria at West Ave. Owned by the family of my friend Jenny Wang (one of the city's most dedicated foodies), Hunan Garden provided me with the skilled wok pleasures that have eluded me for several years in Houston - expert moo shoo, Mandarin shrimp, Kung Pao chicken and spicy green beans.

4331 Kingwood Drive in Kingwood, 281-360-2668


What people are saying about The Berry Fairy's Flavor Tripping Parties....

Chowhound's BBQ Smackdown

Chowhound's chef throwdowns


因為自己出身在一個嚴父的家庭下, 所以儘量給孩子們自由揮灑的空間。

女兒從小就立志要步她乾媽後塵當小兒科醫生,高中時進入醫預科,到醫院實習才發覺不好玩。 上大學後,改修management information system (MIS),畢業後一直在 PricewaterhouseCoopers 工作,由基層爬到主管階層,年薪六位數字加年終分紅,因為做得不開心,說辭就辭了!


( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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2013/03/27 12:10
Reed(chouhwa) 於 2013-03-29 10:04 回覆:

2013/03/27 08:43

要當food critic不容易啊
Reed(chouhwa) 於 2013-03-29 10:09 回覆:


往food critic的方向努力,寫出信譽、權威,


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