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2010/05/10 12:03:39瀏覽3817|回應22|推薦259 | |
今天母親節,中午一雙兒女及準媳婦在 Masraff's 餐廳訂了位,享受了美味的饗宴 ! 女兒 Jenny 邊用餐,邊用其 i phone手機拍照並發文到她的 Twitter 網上,在那兒她已經有了1,752個Followers 女兒相機送修,偺的相機於餐後被她借走了,所以只好請看倌們移步上 Jenny 家看看相片,兩百美元($46pp + 稅,飲料小費另計)之四人份母親節特餐,究竟都吃了些什麼東東?~ http://twitpic.com/photos/imneverfull 這幾天忙著翻修房子兼大掃除,找出一張高中少女時代相片,拿給孩子們看,不料竟被女兒伴隨餐館之母親節菜譜拍下,貼到她的 Twitter 上,才幾秒鐘光景,立即有 follower跟隨者 給予回應,另有人問候偺這位「永遠喫不飽」的母親,母親節快樂!半天工夫已經有158人點閱: http://twitpic.com/1mh6au 餐後,拜託女兒到家取回自己之前存放的東西,只挑了少數幾樣,剩下的全部捐出。倒是見到車庫中的電視機,知道要幫忙母親清場,Jenny又立即掏出手機拍照,E給她朋友,後者家中還欠一台電視,兩分鐘後朋友回音,很高興連聲說要要要,於是兩人將電視抬上她車,E世代還真是講究迅捷快速啊! 臨走前,女兒提到要去買花,順道去墓園看望奶奶,照例幫她在院子裡剪下紅的粉的玫瑰花(是誰說的?主動付出鮮花與愛,將自己由受傷者....變為饒恕者),都是奶奶生前喜歡的顏色 ,配上幾枝綠色文竹,插滿一個大啤酒杯讓女兒帶去給奶奶,真好!又清掉車庫中一件雜物。 女兒 imneverfull 在網上的自我簡介: food writer and co-host/producer of Southbound Food radio show on AM1560. 電台美食脫口秀,每週六上午11時播出,歡迎住休士頓的朋友屆時收聽。 女兒休士頓美食部落格 http://imneverfull.blogspot.com/ 歡迎老饕們加入 Houston Chowhounds http://www.houstonchowhounds.com/ The Houston Chowhounds is a group of 800 + foodies, food writers, bloggers, and photographers, chefs, and industry folks - amateur, semi-pro, to pro - who take the art of eating and "chowhounding" very seriously. We have organized some spectacular events such as Miracle Berry Flavor Tripping parties and our annual BBQ smackdown in which food from six highly acclaimed local BBQ restaurants were blind tasted and judged. Our recent Fried Chicken & Pork Belly Throwdowns made a huge buzz in the local community. We demonstrate an unfaltering determination to find the best eats where ever we go. 6/13/10, noon -- Houston Chowhounds' 2nd Anniversary brunch @ Brennan's (register here) |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |