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2009/08/12 00:14:18瀏覽1604|回應9|推薦119 | |
Typhoon Morakot ~ August 10, 2009After forming as a tropical depression over the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 km east of the Philippines on August 2nd, Typhoon Morakot built in power and moved quickly west. Over the past several days, the storm has passed over the Philippines, Taiwan and Mainland China, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage due to high winds, flooding and mudslides. Southeast China evacuated nearly 1 million people ahead of the storm, after Morakot broke many records in Taiwan, dumping a total of 2.5 meters (100 inches) of rain on the island. At least 40 people are known to have died so far, but hundreds remain missing - many from one village in Taiwan, reportedly engulfed by a mudslide during the storm. (36 photos total)莫拉克颱風帶來豪雨,重創南台灣,滿目瘡痍,讓人沉痛。悲劇似乎每年都一再重演,只是受災區域有異與受創程度輕重罷了! 而這次的水患是50年來所僅見,溫馨家園、遍體鱗傷,孰令致之? 台灣的好山好水,哪裡經得起日復一日地濫墾濫伐,遍植檳榔,砂石濫採,坡地濫建,生態遭到嚴重破壞,造成大自然反撲、天怒人怨,可憐的是無辜的災民百姓,流離失所、哀嚎遍地,無語問蒼天~每年治水預算,中央討好地方派系,一向治標不治本;出了事官員們又是勘災作秀、官僚顢頇、推諉卸責,救災復建、緩不濟急。唉!天災加人禍~百姓一票票選出的父母官們,你們的同理心何在?! 向第一線的救災人員及後勤、義工們致敬~您們辛苦了~加油!! 88 世紀水災 現場照片直擊 (51 photos total) ~聯合報編輯部部落格 2009/08/14 天佑台灣- 台灣站起來!!!
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