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2016/07/06 10:35:52瀏覽834|回應4|推薦24 | |
TOT演講分會「傑出」了 我所在的Tower Oaks Toastmasters Club演講分會(簡稱TOT),今 年(7/1/2015〜6/30/2016)達到五個目標,而終於傑出了(Distinguished Club)。
From: Mike Onzay I want to thank the members (and perpetual guests) of this club for sharing your stories with me over this past Toastmasters year. It has been a challenging but fulfilling year as I tried to help you to understand the value of the Toastmasters program. For some, Toastmasters is a blip in their lives and for others it becomes a lifelong learning endeavor. For myself, I've been in Toastmasters long enough to be close to the end of the program. By being open to having a club coach and working with me instead of against me (it actually happens in other clubs) you have allowed me to achieve one of the requirements towards the Advanced Leadership Silver (ALS) award. I'm now within reach this year of becoming a "Distinguished Toastmaster" (DTM), the highest point on the program. A club coach serves in this official capacity until the club becomes "Distinguished". This may take a year or longer. As this club is now "Distinguished" my official capacity as club coach is over. However, I know that many challenges lie ahead and that there is still much work to do to help this club become stronger and continue to be successful for many years on its own. I had planned on meeting with Chin sometime next week to discuss these challenges and formulate a plan for overcoming them in the upcoming year. But this type of "behind the scenes" work should be done with all of the officers present. Chin has carried this club "on his back" for a long time it is time to help him carry the load. I will be there to help. I will be officially joining this club as a member. Mike Chin - can we find a date during the week of July 11th where as many of the officers can meet for an hour? I can meet at noon any day that week except Thursday. I think tomorrow, July 6th, was supposed to be a regular meeting but since we skipped June 22nd and had the meeting on June 29th does that mean the next meeting is July 13th? I don't want this officers meeting to be the same day as a club meeting. Please advise all.
From: Mike Onzay Congratulations to the Tower Oaks Toastmasters Club! It has finished the 2015-16 year as a Distinguished Club. http://www.district36.org/district36dcp/dcp2016/clubs/1860576.HTM It is one of the three out of the six clubs in Area 64 to finish as Distinguished ! http://www.district36.org/district36dcp/dcp2016/areas/area_64.htm
It is one of the 13 clubs in a division with 31 clubs to finish the year as Distinguished.! http://www.district36.org/district36dcp/dcp2016/divisions/div_f.htm It is one of 55 clubs in the entire district of nearly 200 clubs to finish as Distinguished ! http://www.district36.org/district36dcp/dcp2016/awards/hof_distclub.htm In addition to being rated as one of the top clubs in the district the club's efforts has helped District 36 to achieve the status of "Distinguished". This is a huge accomplishment as not every district in the WORLD achieves this on a yearly basis. It is also a huge relief for many in this district because we are the host of the International Toastmasters Conference in August. As you reflect on this club accomplishment and what it took to get here it is time to think about the upcoming year and what your own personal goals will be. The Toastmasters Program is the key to success and it has served over 4 million people in the last 90 years. The first 5 goals in any DCP chart are all about the educational goals of the members themselves. Chin was the only member who completed any of those first 5 goals. Which of you will be listed in the DCP chart by this time next year? Do you want to improve your speaking? Your Leadership? Both? Write your goals down and bring them with you to the next meeting to share. This club will help you achieve success! Mike ACS, ALB Club Coach 2015-16 |
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