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2012/02/15 12:13:18瀏覽508|回應2|推薦38 | |
金其一/金老師譯 憂雲深慮熟思,一顆汗珠由大將軍眉頭滴落。戶外,附近的一片楓葉輕輕飄落,著名的黑家軍的士兵們正期待著大將軍的一聲令下,開始對白軍展開戰鬥。身著烏黑盔甲,黑家軍驕傲、強大地挺立。在對立的一面,白家軍全身潔白如玉,聲威、榮譽和財富却倍受威脅。由於雙方都不願失去勝利的榮耀,一場勢不兩立、勢均力敵、勢所難免的戰鬥即將發生。藉著緊閉下巴,兩軍交換形式上的禮節,隨著皺眉深鎖,他們各就其位,經些許分鐘的孕育。。。隆隆的聲響。。。 噹! 戰鬥已經開始。黑家軍取得第一次進攻,白家軍反應迅速,精準地,試圖以輝煌玉劍腰斬黑軍士兵。黑家軍士兵反擊並削落白家軍一隻胳膊,白軍戰士未受影響,犧牲士兵却在另一戰線異攻突擊。 噹! 一個安靜的房間內有一個年輕小伙子和一位老人,廉價的窗簾半掩著一扇窗口,室內燈光正足。房內每一牆角結著蜘蛛網,地板磨損,滿是灰塵。不過,兩人似乎並不介意,他們過於集中在黑色石頭和白色石頭的糾結纏鬥,黑白石子似乎是不經意地分散在十九乘十九網格的盤上。 噹! 細雨微灑,雙軍瀝血而戰。劍擊的衝突、盔甲的響亮,迴聲在風中瀰漫。雖然戰鬥勢均力敵、平分秋色,雙方仍然精心策畫、精準計算,繼續致命的一攻再擊。黑家軍再次重新計劃、發起一波波反攻擊。一群烏鴉聚集在附近的樹上,廹不及待地等著飲血止渴。風速漸快,雷聲光閃,戰鬥全面展開,雙方都沒有任何致命的錯誤。 噹! 黑家軍的一計奇招妙策撼搖了白家軍的陣勢,情勢瞬息萬變,白軍情勢無望無解,被迫投降。勝利了,黑將軍淡然一笑。同一時間,老人搖了搖頭,年輕的男孩微笑了。 玩遊戲的行為是人類最古老的休閒消遣之一。隨著無數的出土證據,如埃及的圖紙棋戲、蘇美爾(Sumer)發現的骰子、精雕細鑿的西洋棋棋子,可以得出結論:這些遊戲比賽可能是有重要價值的。遊戲可展示最原始的形式、表現複雜度,它需要抽象思考的能力、及邏輯推理的能力。在這些遊戲比賽中,毫無疑問,圍棋是最吸引人的,它沒有複雜的規則、它注重形狀和空地的平衡、它可代表思維的基本過程。 我自幼玩圍棋,已認識到棋賽中的深妙幽玄。然而,棋賽的真義何在,也許仍待年年尋尋覓覓。 《2012年2月15日於華府》 〔註:作者是維卅德元棋社(Great Fall Go Club)社長,棋力三段,本文是他高中 英文課之作文。〕 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ True Meaning of Go Kabe Chin 金其一 A cloud of apprehension hangs overhead. A bead of sweat falls from the brow of the head general. Outside, a leaf from a nearby maple tree falls ever so gently as soldiers of the famous Hei army wait in anticipation for the command to begin battle against the Bai army. Clad in armor as dark as slate, the black army stands proud and mighty. On the opposing side, the Bai army is dressed in white jade. Prestige, honor, and riches are at stake. As both sides are unwilling to back down from this chance for victory, an inevitable battle is about to take place. Formalities are exchanged between the adversaries through clenched jaws. With scowls, they assume position. Several pregnant minutes pass . . . a rumble of thunder . . . Clack! The battle has begun. The Hei army made the first attack. The Bai army responds quickly and accurately as he attempts to slice the Hei soldier through the stomach with a brilliant jade sword. The Hei soldier counterattacks and cuts off an arm. Unfazed, the Bai soldier sacrifices the soldier and launches an assault on another front. Clack! Inside a quiet room are a young boy and an old man. The one window that provides light in the room is half blocked by cheap drapes. There are cobwebs on every corner of the wall and adjacent well worn floors of the dusty room. However, the pair does not seem to mind; they are too focused on the mixture of black and white stones that seemed to be scattered carelessly on a grid of nineteen by nineteen. Clack! Light rain from overhead bathe the two sides. Both armies are out for blood. Wind from the resounding echoes of the clashing swords and armor fills the air. Although the battle appears to be a tie, both sides continue to strike with deadly precision. The Hei army reformulates its plans and counters yet again. A flock of crows sense the blood thirst and land on a nearby tree. The wind picks up speed and with another crash of thunder and flash of lightning the battle is in full form. The battle is fought on multiple fronts with neither side making any fatal mistakes. Clack! A brilliant move by the Hei army shattered the Bai army’s position. The situation was now hopeless and Bai was forced to resign. Victorious, the head general of the Hei army allows himself a small smile. At the same time, the old man shook his head while the young boy grinned. The act of playing games is one of our oldest pastimes. With countless pieces of evidence such as the game boards on Egyptian drawings, the dice discovered at Sumer, and the delicately carved chess pieces, one can conclude that there is probably significant value in these games. As one of the most primitive forms of expression and show of sophistication, games require the ability to think abstractly in a given situation in logical terms. Among these games is Go; it is arguably the most intriguing, with its freedom from complicated rules and focus on the balance of shape and emptiness, it comes close to representing the basic process of thinking. Having played this game since elementary school, I have come to understand some of the intricacies presented in this game. The true meaning of the game, however, will perhaps elude me for years to come. |
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