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2012/01/29 11:05:32瀏覽727|回應5|推薦39


我的父親,保羅‧霍華德博士,是位喜愛藉由圍棋與他人溝通交往的精神分析學家。他是一位非常安靜的人,圍棋成為他和我之間一個特殊的聯繫方式。上世紀40年代,藉著西洋棋大師愛德華‧拉斯克(Edward Lasker)在1934年出版的書:「圍棋與五子棋:東方的棋類遊戲」,我的父親發現了圍棋。但,他從來沒有下過一盤圍棋,直到60年代我的姐姐朱迪嫁給一位圍棋愛好者,我姐夫花了很多愉快的時光與家父玩棋。大約6年後,我與另一位圍棋迷哈斯克爾‧斯摩爾(Haskell Small)結婚,家父很高興,幾年後當我也學了圍棋,家父更是滿心歡喜。對於我們來說,這標誌著多年來家人藉由圍棋來溝通手談的開始。我清楚地記得父親與我的第一場盤上對弈,那時倆人對圍棋懵懵無知,但我們在盤面上極有趣地以對角線分為兩部分:“他的地盤”、“她的地盤”!





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Dr. Paul M. Howard and Go

Elizabeth H. Small

My father, Dr. Paul M. Howard, was a psychoanalyst who loved to connect with others through the game of Go.He was a very quiet man, and Go became a special way for he and I to bond. He discovered Go in the 1940s in a book by the Chess Master Edward Lasker, Go and Go-Moku: the Oriental Board Games, originally published in 1934. He never got to play an actual game until the 1960s, when my older sister Judy married a Go enthusiast, who spent many enjoyable hours playing with my father. About six years later my father was delighted when I married Haskell (Hal) Small, another Go enthusiast, and happier still when I learned the game a few years later. For us this marked the beginning of our communication through Go for many years to come. I distinctly remember our very first game – neither of us understood much about it, but we had fun splitting the board diagonally into two parts, “His Side” and “Her Side”!

Until the 90s and the advent of the Internet, our games were limited to several visits every year, since my parents lived in Boston and Hal and I lived in Washington DC. For many years my father and I found online go playing a joyful way to bond across the miles that separated us.

In the Fall of 2006, my father celebrated his 100th birthday. Shortly afterwards he suffered several small strokes, and while his go skills declined, his enthusiasm remained strong. We flew him from Boston down to a senior residence in Washington so I could spend as much time with him as possible. Now we could play go most every day! At his peak he had been as strong as 10 kyu (and I was 13kyu), and now in Washington he was perhaps more like 40 kyu, (and I remained a 13kyu). At this time I gave him a 3 or 4 stone handicap on a 9 x 9 board. Occasionally he would express frustration with his waning abilities, but took comfort in my reminders of how exciting the process of Go still was for him. Most of the time, even at a weaker level, playing games continued to give him great pleasure because he still loved Go, and our games were meaningful social occasions for both.

As he declined we moved him to a hospice. Early one morning in January we received a call that he had only hours to live, and we rushed over to as fast as we could. When we arrived he was lying down on his bed; the headboard only slightly raised. His pulse was weak, his eyes were partly open, and he was barely able to speak, but his eyes opened and smiled when he saw us, and he managed a surprisingly firm handshake for Haskell. The next words he spoke were faint: “black stones…white stones…”Because he was too weak to sit up, we got out the board and placed it on his belly. From this angle he could not get a clear view of the bowls or the board, but knowing his eagerness to play a game, I guided his hand to the bowl. He picked up a stone, and then I guided his hand to the board. Although he was not able to see where the stone landed, he placed it with great intention. Then I made my move, also with great intention as well as excitement, keeping in mind that this game of Go was more of a symbolic farewell than a thought-out game of logic. We continued back and forth with these familiar and comforting motions for ten or fifteen minutes, until he gestured with his hands that the game was over. Hal and I exclaimed, “Good game!” We put away the stones and the bowls and observed a look of contentment on his face. Then I reminded him that he could “soon find Carol” (my mother, his wife), and he replied, muffled but with surprise and joy, “I can?” It was sometime during the next half hour that he passed from this world, surrounded by the compassionate love of Hal and I, the loving anticipation of joining his wife, and our mutual satisfaction of having bonded over the Go board one last time.

He had an expression of deep tranquility and fulfillment, which I will never forget.


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哈斯克爾‧斯摩爾(Haskell Small)之前寫了一篇「圍棋和音樂的思考」

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1210、1211兩年的12月31日都在哈斯克爾‧斯摩爾(Haskell Small)家"跨年圍棋聚會",相片是在他們家中"跨年圍棋聚會"時照的;他們家:棋俱多、棋飾多、藝術氣習濃!他們家"跨年圍棋聚會",令人安寧又滿足。

( 在地生活北美 )
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Great story and good translation
2012/02/01 12:37
Good translation. Did you share with the writer?
Great story..Do you wish to go like that too?

meaning of life
2012/02/01 12:31
very good article. Makes me think a lot about the meaning of life.

very touching...
2012/02/01 12:21
It's a very good article, very touching! And I think you did an excellent job to translate it!

讀到您這些文章, 感覺十分溫馨
2012/02/01 12:14
凌晨起來, 讀到您這些文章, 感覺十分溫馨。
謝謝你的分享, 太感人了, 謝謝你花那麼多時間和精神翻譯介紹, 實在令人肅然起敬!
我正要寫信給家長和老師們, 盼能轉載這篇文章以及”棋譜譜曲”一文, 相信這對於家長和老師, 都會是很好的啟發。
新年快樂, 龍年吉祥。

林秀蘭 敬上

溫哥華 千里傳音
1211 & 1210 年?
2012/01/30 14:15

[溫哥華 千里傳音]