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2011/05/31 11:35:35瀏覽901|回應7|推薦23 | |
去年七月,陰錯陽差中,大俠接長了GEICO演講分會(GEICO Toastmasters Club) 〔註一〕的會長。六月份選會長時,檯面上,是中印大戰,就是一老中(說老台亦可啦)、一老印在競選會長,檯面下,是美印大戰,就是一票老美女人不認同某一老印男人的作為。選舉前,暗潮洶湧,瑪麗安(Mary Ann)曾放話:「大俠若未選上本會會長,我在本會25年的經歷年資,就此斷絕。」瑪麗安很有資格、實力以此為我拉票(本段所言,都是大俠月餘後無意間片斷地聽來的),她除了在本會二十餘年的經歷外,也是本會唯一的〝吳三連〞(連三屆當上會長),擁有傑出演講人DTM (Distinguished Toastmasters)的頭銜,曾當過District Governor,在公司有三十餘年的年資與人面,目前是9家演講分會的會員‧‧‧是的,沒寫錯,她目前加入9家演講分會,我聽到時,立即肅然起敬兼目瞪口呆‧‧‧。總之,選舉當天,會議室爆滿,經年不出席的會員也來露臉投票,兩股勢力大比拼,力爭上選,當然,在地的老美女人們大勝!唉!大俠又做了一回演講分會的會長(8年前,年輕時也曾在別的演講分會做過啦)。
我學到的是:絕對不要和老美女人們做對! GEICO演講分會是個資格老、績效優的分會,過去7年,年年成為總會會長傑出分會(President’s Distinguished Club),它傑出,是因為它的會員眾多(人進人出,經常維持在45位會員左右),熱心又有經驗的資深會員不少,新血常注活力新意,老鳥常駐協力助益,大俠任會長近一年,只是蕭規曹隨,隨風掌舵、順水推舟,讓它順順利利連續第8年達到總會會長傑出分會的榮耀,皆大歡喜(想想,若沒有持續此一光榮,這群老美女人們會放過我嚒,呵呵!) 另一件大事,是我接任前所不知道的:我是GEICO演講分會的第30屆會長。三十而立,老美女人們雖不懂老中「三十而立」的成語,却懂得要盛重其事,擴大舉行30週年紀念,又是出紀念刊物、又是邀請公司總裁出席講話(演講)、好不熱鬧。當然,最〝累〞的永遠是會長,會長必須Lead by Example,也就是中文的以身作則,其它幹部、會員才會跟著動嘛!所幸,三十週年紀念聚會於4月19日隆重舉行,48頁的「GEICO演講分會30週年紀念特刊」〔註二〕也順利印出,又是一個皆大歡喜。 4月19日中午,公司總裁Tony在聚會開始前10分鐘就到會場,親切地問候會員及貴賓,閑聊中,Tony提到他老板沃倫巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的例子:「巴菲特年輕時是很害怕演講的,成名後,不得不接受訪談、演講,才逐漸感覺到公開演講的必要與重要。百忙之中,他報名了卡耐基的口才訓諫課程,但因繁忙,又將尚未開始的訓諫課程取消了。第二回,他不僅報了名,並事先將所有訓諫課程的費用一次付清,如此破釜沉舟,也終於完成了他的口才訓諫課程。」巴菲特的演講、談話,睿智中有機智與幽默,那可不是天生的! Tony的演講也是有備而來的,契合GEICO演講分會的歷史、演進與重要性,嬴得與會者的熱烈掌聲。Tony演講後,是我以會長的身份頒個別章(pin)給Tony,使他成為GEICO演講分會的榮譽會員。別章是瑪麗安為我準備的,免費的,很小一顆,塞在未開封的塑膠袋內,我內心暗想:「太寒酸了吧!」當然,我還記得:絕對不要和老美女人做對!何況,勤儉樸實是公司文化,上至巴菲特,下至清潔工,都是能省則省的低成本。 我只好在演講詞上別出心裁,說:「‧‧‧此別章雖小,却小如鑽石,如鑽石般珍貴、有價值。」引來全場與Tony的會心一笑。 我隨後將別章雙手送給Tony,Tony笑道:「你應該為我別上別章吧。」 我才驚覺到:「是喔?!」瑪麗安,您怎麼沒有事先提醒我呢! 但別章已在Tony手中了,他正試著打開那包裏著別章的塑膠袋,努力地撕拆,塑膠袋小,不好撕破,尤其是對在公司已服務51年的Tony(是的,他已經70歲了),我很想幫他,他仍使勁地,臉有些紅,但,我總不能將它搶過來吧‧‧‧終於,撕開了,Tony好高興,他將小小別章拿出,交還到我的手中,囑我將它別在他西裝的領上。 大俠遵旨,瞄準,一別到位,滿堂鼓掌,再引一個皆大歡喜。 整體而言,三十週年紀念聚會是非常成功的,會員們都榮耀與高興,我的那一點別章糗事,也算別開生面、自然流暢、別具笑果! 《2011年5月30日於華府》 〔註一〕:GEICO演講分會是「國際演講協會」(Toastmasters International)下的某一分會。1924年在加州成立的「國際演講協會」,致力於推廣有效的口頭溝通至全球各地。近87年的發展,其分會遍及全球113個國家、超過12,500個分會(例如,台灣有152個分會,中國有123個分會)、至少26萬名會員,在21世紀,其溝通教育的影響力仍在繼續茁壯成長。藉由協會的培訓方案/手冊,通過分會的定期開會(每週一次、每兩週一次、或每月一次),會員們在「做中學習」的環境中,彼此互相幫助,學習溝通技巧、加強聽力訓練、發揮口語藝術、增進演講信心、培養領導潛能、促進自我實現。本地的演講分會發展蓬勃,馬里蘭州就有207個分會、維吉尼亞州更有310個分會,欲尋找適合的演講分會、或了解更多有關「國際演講協會」的信息,請至網址www.toastmasters.org 〔註二〕:列出祝賀信函‧‧‧ Letters of Congratulations Congratulations on your anniversary! When I joined Toastmasters, I thought all new members were just like me – nervous and shy! I discovered, instead, an array of people with varying skills entering our program to improve themselves. They all had diverse needs. I wondered if Toastmasters could meet the needs that brought so many to the club meetings. When I see successes such as yours, the answer is clear: Yes, we help people discover and share their personal greatness! As you mentor and support one another in your club environment, you share your own personal greatness. I heartily commend you for all your efforts on behalf of your fellow Toastmasters, as well as your personal journey of discovery and growth. My wish for each of you is that you spend some time recognizing and acknowledging your own achievements. It is my great pleasure to congratulate you on your unique greatness. My thoughts on the International Theme for this year, Achieving Greatness Together, is captured by John Buchan who said, “The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.” May we elicit it together! Sincerely Pat Johnson International President Toastmasters: Achieving Greatness Together Daniel Rex Executive Director # # # # # # # # April 5, 2011 To: The GEICO Toastmasters Club To all current and former members, congratulations upon the occasion of GEICO’s Toastmasters Club 30th Anniversary. Good oral and written communications are at the core of society. The Toastmasters Club has helped countless individuals achieve a more fulfilling and successful life. Your efforts to improve your communications skills are commendable. May the GEICO Toastmasters Club next 30 years be equally fulfilling. Tony Nicely Chairman, President and CEO GEICO Geico.com # # # # # # # # On the 30th anniversary of the GEICO Toastmasters Club, I wish all of its members a fervent congratulations! Over the years, the Toastmasters Club has helped shape the careers of countless associates, some of whom are now leading significant aspects of our operations as directors and officers. Club members have bravely and successfully applied the cornerstone Toastmasters philosophy of “learning by doing” to overcome any trepidation in speaking and presenting in front of an audience. Over the past three decades, members have gained tremendous and invaluable leadership skills through their volunteer meeting roles and other club activities. The personal and selfless commitment by club members is at the foundation of the long-term success of the GEICO Toastmasters Club. Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for each and every member, past or current, of the GEICO Toastmasters Club for your time and dedication to your personal development and growth, both of which are manifested every day at GEICO and have contributed to GEICO’s overall success. Happy Anniversary!!! Jan Stewart VP of HR GEICO Geico.com # # # # # # # # Dear Fellow Toastmasters, The GEICO Toastmasters Club has paralleled my GEICO career. I first heard of the club on January 2, 1986, the day I interviewed. Marty Adler, the VP of the Actuarial Department and founding member of the club, noted Public Speaking under the “hobbies” section of my resume, and suggested I joined. It took me over a year, but in July of 1987 when I walked in and met Cezarina, Mary Ann, and others, I was hooked. When I think of Toastmasters, I think of friends first. I pause as I’m writing this message and think about all of the friends whom I have met through the club. There are too many to name individually. I have loved every icebreaker that I’ve heard. I have loved getting to know every Toastmaster whom I’ve met. I have loved seeing everyone grow as speakers, leaders, and individuals. I’ve laughed a lot and cried a little with my friends. The encouragement, evaluations, challenges and support I’ve received from you, both professionally and personally, have allowed me to pursue my dreams. I do not think I would be an officer of this company without the communication and leadership skills I developed through Toastmasters. I do not think I would have been comfortable standing in front of hundreds of people and making them laugh, which I’ve done several times, without the confidence that I’ve gained through Toastmasters. I do not think I would have been able to speak in front of Warren Buffett without fainting, without the years of practice I’ve had in Toastmasters. I do not think I would have laughed nearly as often as I have in the last 24 years, if I hadn’t attended so many Toastmaster meetings. On our 30th anniversary, I would like to thank and congratulate each and every person who has ever given a speech or an evaluation in our meeting, because you have inspired me and helped me make my dreams take flight. Make Your Dreams Take Flight! Jaci Pasley, DTM GEICO Toastmaster District 36 Governor 2010-2011 # # # # # # # # Hello Fellow GEICO Toastmasters, I am so excited to be the Division C Governor the year the GEICO Toastmasters club turns 30. I have been a member of the GEICO Toastmasters club for 7 years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I would never in a 100 years think I would like Toastmasters so much but it is as a member of the GEICO club that I have. I have honed my speaking skills each and every day that I have attended meetings and other Toastmaster activities both at the club and district level. I have learned how to be a leader and enjoy it; as GEICO club President, Area 33 Governor, and now as Division C Governor. I have met so many people within the GEICO Toastmasters club and at Toastmaster events who I will cherish as great friends, mentors, and role models for the rest of my life. Toastmasters have given me the communication skills to go beyond my comfort level and participate. I HAVE FUN when I go to Toastmasters meetings and events. I am no longer shy to give my opinion or speak at meetings or other functions. I LOVE Toastmasters. They have a plan; they give you a road map for success with your plan; and they help you achieve your plan. Vincent Van Gogh said, ‘If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced’. I would say quoting Van Gogh, ‘If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you cannot speak,’ then by all means speak and that voice will be silenced’. Here’s to another 30 great years of Toastmasters at GEICO. Make your dreams take flight in Toastmasters, Ida Jagg GEICO club 4493 Vice President of Education, 2006-2007 GEICO club 4493 President, 2007-2008 Area 33 Governor, 2008-2009 Division C Governor, 2010-2011 # # # # # # # # Chin, Many congratulations to the GEICO Toastmasters Club upon its 30th anniversary! And kudos to you and your executive team for steering your club to its best year ever! It has been my pleasure as Area 33 Governor to get to know the GEICO Club this year. Your team spirit and accomplishments are the brightest and most enthusiastic I have known yet. It has been so much fun - and an inspiration - to work with you and your club members this year. Cheers to your next 30 years of success! Yours sincerely, Melissa Kunstadter, Area 33 Governor # # # # # # # # When I was introducted to Toastmasters in 2001, I loved it right away. Where can we find a place with so many encouraging friends? Where can we find a place with so many inspirational stories from diverse cultural groups? Where can we find a place with honest and constructive feedback? Where can we find a place with audiences listening to us intently while we are talking? The list can go on and on. I was hooked. Over the years, I have belonged to many Toastmasters clubs due to job changes. My love of Toastmasters remains the same. No two clubs are the same. Our club is fortunate to have senior management’s support as well as tuition reimbursement for our membership fees. Our club is fortunate to have many veteran members with rich experiences and who provide continuous support. Our club is fortunate to constantly have new enthusiastic members joining. For example, on March 22nd Monica Huang gave her Icebreaker speech; a touching story about her personal life. With the recent vacancy of our VPPR (Vice President of Public Relations) position, Monica gracefully volunteered to take that position. On her first day as VPPR, she brought 13 young energectic colleages to our March 29th meeting. She went extra effort to have the flyer finished perfectly (shown on page 2) and timely (printed on April 14). Roosevelt Brutus, VPE, said in his email ”Good Job Monica, our best VPPR! It is a beautiful flyer. I really like it.” That’s called passion and commitment. Even Warren Buffett emphasized the importance of public speaking when he visited the Plaza on February 11th this year and said: “When I was younger, I was terrified of public speaking. I took a Dale Carnegie course, and it changed my life. You have to be able to communicate what’s in your head….” I am fortunate to have the opportunity to regularly enhance my speaking skills at our club. Furthermore, I am honored to have served as the club President. That’s an experience I will treasure for life. As my term comes close to an end, I encourage members, new and old, to volunteer for an officer role. If Chin can do it, so can they! Looking forward, I have confidence that the GEICO Toastmasters Club will enjoy another 30 years of glory. 金大俠, ACB President of GEICO Toastmasters Club, 2010-2011 |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |