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2018 National Examination English Archaeology topic of vocabulary multiple choice questions解答:


In the university, there is a world-renowned degree program in ____.





People have ____ for terrorists, and they also have a total lack of respect for nations that give them support.





The editors in computer science department find delight in criticizing the company; complaining seems to be their favorite ______.





It is more ______ to kill other people with silence and coldness than to stab them with knives.





The secretary was _____ with office tasks all the afternoon. She even skipped her coffee break.

[A] occupied

[B] dizzy

[C] sole

[D] reluctant解答:occupied佔領#

The room was filled with cigarette smoke. I could hardly _____ so I opened the window.

[A] burst

[B] boom

[C] stare

[D] breathe解答:breathe呼吸#

The ______ that took place in the local church took many lives.





Ann is such a selfish woman; ______, she only thinks about herself.





Once a person becomes a parent, he or she has to _____ more responsibilities.

[A]come to

[B]pay off

[C]take on

[D]ring out解答:take on承擔#

Informed that he was fired, the hard-working employee considered it unbelievable and stood still in front of his boss like a[n] _____ object.





Experts warned that the poisonous chemicals could _____ the nervous system and damage the brain.





The air is everywhere but is ______. No one can actually see it.

[A]as luck would have it

[B]in time

[C]on the off chance

[D]nowhere in sight解答:nowhere in sight無處可見#

Joey went to work by bus yesterday because his car was _____.

[A]to repair

[B]being repairing


[D]being repaired解答:being repaired正在修理#

Helen was so beautiful ______ many men were willing to risk their lives for her.





_____ his gratitude for the bishop’s help, Jean Valjean still stole the silverware and ran away.

[A]Thanks to


[C]Because of


Inexperienced workers cannot _____ such a difficult project, which requires more than academic training at school.

[A]read into

[B]take on

[C]go by

[D]act on解答:take on承擔#

Worrying all the times ______ George an anxious man





Michael developed a new habit in high school, namely ______ drugs.

[A]to take




During wartime, the parents came home from work and found their children ______.




[D]to miss 解答:missing失踪#

Robert once _____ by classmates has moved to another city with his family.




[D]to bully解答:bullied欺負#

_____ with the harsh criticism from the audience, the singer felt his blood pressure suddenly _____.

[A]Angry; risen

[B]Angrily; risen

[C]Angrily; rising

[D]Angry; rising解答:Angry生氣; rising上升#

The old computer system was fairly complicated to operate _____ the new one is very simple.




[D]compared to解答:while同時#

The American diplomatic doctrine has always meant to advance multiple goals, a doctrine that seeks to achieve the highest possible level of _____ of one's enemies, while simultaneously enjoying the warmest reception from one's allies.





Rooftop gardens have many _____ effects on urban neighborhoods.





Low-income families cannot _____ the luxurious products displayed in the department store.





The producer believed that big names in the show business could lift his TV show’s poor rating, so he decided to invite as many _____ as he could to join the show.





My grandmother is a friendly woman who likes to _____ to new neighbors by making cookies for them.

[A]break down

[B]end up

[C]reach out

[D]set back解答:reach out伸出#

El Niño has helped _____ drought in many parts of the world, leaving millions hungry.





People suffering from economic recession will migrate from the country to the city, mostly attracted by the _____ of work.





The police turned the apartment almost___________ , searching for the criminal evidence.

[A] in and out

[B] up and down

[C] inside and outside

[D] upside down解答:upside down顛倒#

AT&T said that it had reached an agreement with America’s biggest satellite television provider, DirecTV, in a___________ worth almost $50 billion.

[A] motivation

[B] deal

[C] hearing

[D] sample解答:deal交易#

Our family trip to Yellow Stone National Park last summer is one of the most___________ experiences in my life. I will never forget all the beautiful sceneries I saw there.

[A] luxurious

[B] memorable

[C] popular

[D] romantic解答:memorable令人難忘#

College students are___________ to explore the world by participating in international volunteer programs.

[A] improved

[B] enforced

[C] suspected

[D] encouraged解答:encouraged鼓勵#

Worried about the terrorism___________ , the government has been stricter on issuing the tourist visa.

[A] request

[B] medium

[C] selection

[D] threat解答:threat威脅#

Looking left and right, the thief walked cautiously down the hallway to ______the security guards.

[A] afford

[B] avoid

[C] assign

[D] assure解答:avoid避免#

In Philadelphia, a new kind of trash can is______ waste management via cutting down on air pollution and potentially saving the city millions in the process.

[A] revolutionizing

[B] comprehending

[C] comforting

[D] rendering解答:revolutionizing革命#

Obviously, Joe thought too highly of himself and enjoyed behaving ______to draw the attention of people around him.

[A] concordantly

[B] pretentiously

[C] recursively

[D] sporadically解答:pretentiously裝作#

On a clear night in the countryside, we have a very good chance to see many stars ______in the sky.

[A] colliding

[B] glistening

[C] retrieving

[D] smothering解答:glistening閃閃發光#

Dolphins and sharks are natural enemies. Sharks are______ of dolphins, and will kill and eat young dolphins if they can.

[A] predators

[B] protectors

[C] successors

[D] survivors解答:predators掠食者#

A person’s facial expressions and gestures ______powerful messages that go beyond words.

[A] alleviate

[B] conceal

[C] evolve

[D] transmit解答:transmit傳送#

Fans waited outside the movie theater, hoping to catch a______ of their favorite stars.

[A] glitter

[B] cold

[C] glimpse

[D] clue解答:glimpse瞥見#

Scientists have been searching for better, faster and cleaner ______sources of energy in order to create better lives and help solve the pollution problem.

[A] allusive

[B] allocative

[C] alternative

[D] allergic解答:alternative替代#

My sister has a ______memory. She remembers every single thing she sees and hears, and she never forgets.

[A] remarkable

[B] pristine

[C] compulsive

[D] reluctant解答:remarkable非凡#

The police have tried to bring him to______ , but his slick lawyers always get the case thrown out of court.

[A] law

[B] rule

[C] order

[D] justice解答:justice司法#

Many people are hooked on horror movies; they love to be scared ______ .

[A] out of their wits

[B] with ease

[C] in line

[D] at their loss解答:out of their wits出於機智#

______ you rather go to the movie with us or stay at home tonight?

[A] Could

[B] Would

[C] Won’t

[D] Can’t解答:Would會#

It is generally believed that examinations are not the only means of ______ a student's ability.

[A] assuming

[B] overseeing

[C] propelling

[D] assessing解答:assessing評估#

The manager demands a______ reply from his coworkers when he sends them a message because he hates to wait.

[A] distinct

[B] mutual

[C] prompt

[D] consistent解答:prompt提示#

The doctor ______ some painkillers for my backache after a thorough checkup.

[A] prescribed

[B] nominated

[C] forbade

[D] discarded解答:prescribed配藥#

Lack of financial resources, the political activists had no choice but using a low-tech______ form to publish their newspapers.

[A] alternative

[B] alternate

[C] amenable

[D] amiable解答:alternative替代#

The UN Security Council called for an immediate and______ humanitarian cease-fire in the Gaze war between Israel and Hamas.

[A] dispensable

[B] notorious

[C] destructive

[D] unconditional解答:unconditional無條件#

Each February, people flock to Japan for the Snow Festival in order to see the hundreds of ice______ and statues carved by ice artists.

[A] summits

[B] sculptures

[C] syrups

[D] stutters解答:sculptures雕塑#

Russia faces more______ from the European Union over the Ukraine crisis, but the action likely will hurt EU economies.

[A] delinquents

[B] hypocrites

[C] immigrants

[D] sanctions解答:sanctions制裁#

His irritative jokes _______everyone in the office. Now, no one wants to talk to him.

[A] motivated

[B] stimulated

[C] activated

[D] infuriated解答:infuriated生氣#

An Iranian-born mathematician has become the first woman to win a _______ Fields Medal, widely viewed as the Nobel Prize of mathematics.

[A] comprehensive




Mozart was a great composer and _______ musician from a very young age. He could compose music when he was only five.

[A] controversial

[B] distractive

[C] retarded

[D] talented解答:talented天賦的#

Of the 800,000 tons of wheat the country imported, about 260,000 tons, _______ one-third of it, was from Australia.

[A] approximately


[C] externally

[D] incidentally解答:approximately大約#

In the university, there is a world-renowned degree program in ____.





People have ____ for terrorists, and they also have a total lack of respect for nations that give them support.





Sometimes _____ comments or looks exchanged between two guest groups at night clubs or KTVs eventually lead to a brutal fight between them.

[A] public

[B] hilarious

[C] justifiable

[D] provocative解答:provocative挑釁#

Hundreds of acres of forests in California alone are _____ due to the wild fires in summer.

[A] cautioned

[B] approached

[C] retaliated

[D] ravaged解答:ravaged摧殘#

Jane said at the job interview that with her excellent background in information science, she had what it takes to _____ to the company.

[A] contribute

[B] declare

[C] register

[D] translate解答:contribute貢獻#

Among the ten competitors for the singing _____, one of them failed to show up because of a traffic jam.

[A] contact

[B] context

[C] content

[D] contest解答:contest比賽#

In my family, all members clean the house together during the weekend. My duty is to sweep the floor and my younger brother’s _____ is to empty the dishwasher.

[A] assistant

[B] chore

[C] legacy

[D] track解答:chore瑣事#

The mother ______the child to sleep almost every evening.



[C] lulled

[D] inflicted解答:lulled哄騙#

Arriving in Orlando for a conference, Rose managed to catch a taxi to her accommodation and______ in.



[C] inhabit


If Fleming hadn’t discovered penicillin, a lot of people ______from bacterial infection. 

[A]would be dead

[B]would have died 

[C]would have survived 

[D]would be saved解答:would have died會死#

With the highly______ anti-missile system, we can effectively defend our country from any invasion.



[C] informal


Doctors say that consuming various vegetables and fruit is______ to our health.





Cosmetic______ can make a person look different by changing the shape of his/her face or body.




[D] flattery解答:surgery手術#

We went to the mall to buy some ______for our new apartment, including a refrigerator, a stove, and a dishwasher.





People who eat healthy foods and do exercise______ have fewer health problems than people who do not.

[A] brilliantly

[B] instantly

[C] historically

[D] statistically解答:statistically統計#

Hawaii is a multicultural society, a community of different______ groups where no one group is the majority.

[A] ethic

[B] ethnic

[C] moral 

[D] mortal解答:ethnic種族#

Please keep your seat belt fastened when seated, ______ the seat-belt light is not illuminated.

[A] as if

[B] despite

[C] even if

[D] so that解答:even if即使#

I will let you know what our chair says about the project, and in the ______ I will ask others for their opinions about it as well.

[A] nutshell

[B] moment

[C] meantime

[D] notion解答:meantime同時#

With our limited budget, we can only buy an______ car that runs well.

[A] affluent

[B] affirmative

[C] affordable

[D] astonished解答:affordable負擔得起#

The United States has returned hundreds of ______ artifacts stolen from religious sites five hundred years ago to the government of India.

[A] ancient

[B] ambiguous

[C] individual

[D] imaginable解答:ancient古代#

The bank requires a written ______ from their clients in order to prevent fraud or update the information.

[A] audition

[B] admission

[C] administration

[D] authorization解答:authorization授權#

H5N1 epidemic in 2003 caused many ______ around the world. Many people died from it.

[A] fragments

[B] fatalities

[C] symptoms

[D] syndromes解答:fatalities死亡人數#

If you want to travel to an English speaking country, you need to overcome the language ______ between you and English speaking people, so that you won’t have communication problems.

[A] tension

[B] barrier

[C] nerve

[D] stress解答:barrier障礙#

Scientists have found evidence that certain birth defects are______ with certain chemicals in our environment. But often the chemical industry refused to accept the connection between their products and birth defects.

[A] satisfied

[B] aware

[C] associated

[D] rampant解答:associated相關#

The number of households relying on various social ______ programs to get by has increased significantly since the recent poor economic performance.

[A] costume

[B] mischief

[C] protest

[D] welfare解答:welfare福利#

Without other possible means, he left what little furniture he owned to his landlord ______ rent.

[A] in lieu of

[B] in spite of

[C] in favor of

[D] in terms of解答:in lieu of代替#

Language ability has traditionally been considered, by language teachers and language testers alike, to ______ of four skills.

[A] consist

[B] insist

[C] resist

[D] persist解答:consist組成#

After being sick in bed for days, Jack______ in the room trying to look for some water.

[A] insulated

[B] sanitized

[C] infected

[D] staggered解答:staggered錯開#

At first every one stood on______ , but the party started to warm up after a few drinks and interesting games.

[A] conscience

[B] sentiment

[C] pretention

[D] ceremony解答:ceremony儀式#

The people’s resistance to changes is a great ______ to political reform.

[A] pavement

[B] hindrance

[C] providence

[D] rudiment解答:hindrance阻礙#

Ministry of Interior urges people to renew their identification cards in order to be ______ to vote in the upcoming elections.

[A] accorded

[B] eligible

[C] adjusted

[D] eliminated解答:eligible符合條件#

If you are not satisfied with the service of the waiter, you might lodge a______ to his manager.

[A] command

[B] complaint

[C] compromise

[D] commitment解答:complaint投訴#

James was arrested at the airport for attempting to ______the artifacts that he illegally took from a foreign museum.



[C] smuggle 


We need to establish prices that are high enough to______ demand but low enough to prevent the continuation of a black market.

[A] curb

[B] endorse

[C] invest

[D] promote解答:curb抑制#

It takes patience and courage to______ alcohol and drug problems.

[A] call up

[B] put  off  

[C] cope with

[D] turn  over解答:cope with應付#

Cathy’s ______went well and she is fairly hopeful about getting a role in the musical.


[B] audition


[D] interference解答:audition試鏡#

In general, the single house in the countryside is cheap whereas the house in the urban area is ______expensive in Taiwan.

[A] confidentially

[B] comparatively

[C] compassionately 

[D] comfortably解答:comparatively比較#

Adam is knowledgeable about almost everything because he likes to read_____                .

[A] immediately

[B] unfortunately

[C] extensively

[D] sentimentally解答:extensively廣泛#

I don’t know what has been bothering you_____  . If I have done something wrong, you could just tell me.

[A] hardly

[B] lately

[C] early

[D] rarely解答:lately最近#

There are no direct flights between Taiwan and Dublin, so I have to_____  in London.

[A] transfer

[B] transfuse

[C] transport

[D] transgress解答:transfer轉讓#

 Most small cuts will stop bleeding in a short time; if this one does not, you need to go to the hospital and _____by a doctor.

[A]have it examined

[B]having it examined

[C]have it been examined

[D]having it being examined解答:have it examined進行檢查#

As a leading ______of human rights, the lawyer is strongly opposed to the death penalty.

[A] descendant

[B] premier

[C] onlooker

[D] advocate解答:advocate倡導者#

To reach an _____ result from the medication, you have to follow the doctor’s instruction without fail.

[A] optimal

[B] exclusive

[C] elevated

[D] alternative解答:optimal最佳#

Your apartment looks shabby. A _____ is what it needs if you want to sell it for a better price.

[A] renovation

[B] malfunction

[C] construction

[D] detection解答:renovation裝修#

That friends have meals together without talking to each other but playing with their own cell phone is a _____ often seen in modern society.

[A] description

[B] cosmopolitan

[C] phenomenon

[D] confrontation解答:phenomenon現象#

Large cities are usually overcrowded and dirty; _____, they tend to have high crime rates.

[A] instead

[B] nevertheless

[C] in addition

[D] for example解答:in addition另外#

He is a[n] _____ popular and successful singer who has won four Grammy awards.

[A] ignorantly

[B] meticulously

[C] prosperously

[D] overwhelmingly解答:overwhelmingly壓倒性地#

Because the topic of business is so broad, it’s helpful to _____ in on one aspect: management.

[A] fix

[B] zero

[C] focus

[D] zip解答:zero零#

Many farmers tend to be more _____ in their crop range and include exotic fruit and vegetables.

[A] rigid

[B] diverse

[C] suspicious

[D] conservative解答:diverse多樣化#

In some African countries, scarring is considered a rite of _____, symbolizing a child turning into an adult.

[A] anniversary

[B] passage

[C] compassion

[D] regression解答:passage通過#

Rio de Janeiro, the capital city of Brazil, is a_____ city full of life and energy.

[A] capable

[B] desolate

[C] barren

[D] vibrant解答:vibrant充滿活力#

David got Type A influenza last week. After resting and taking medicine for a week, he should be back_____ in no time.

[A] on hand

[B] on his feet

[C] under the weather

[D] with conscience解答:on his feet在他的腳上

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