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2016 National Examination English Archaeology topic of vocabulary multiple choice questions


英文 考古題105年字彙選擇題


The doctor says to the patient that, with proper ____ , he can expect to live a normal lifespan.

[A] judgment

[B] consideration

[C] treatment

[D] negotiation



Looking back, the great dancer Martha Graham said, "Being inspired by a dance recital was one thing; making a career choice, quite ___.

[A] ones

[B] the other

[C] another

[D] other



The boss thinks that Irene is the most ____ person to get the position as the manager.

[A] eventual

[B] doubtful

[C] inactive

[D] suitable



A series of gas explosions in Kaohsiung ____ in 28 deaths and at least 280 people injured.

[A] clothed

[B] failed

[C] nailed

[D] resulted



The beauty of the island is ____ ; it has a long beach with pure white sand and green palm trees.

[A] indifferent

[B] magnificent

[C] vocational

[D] available



The all-inclusive tours offered by the new travel agency ____ .

[A] put on airs

[B] stay in touch

[C] cover all the bases

[D] fall to pieces

cover all the bases覆蓋所有基地


___ chains like 7-Eleven and Starbucks face protest from local competitors each time they open new stores.

[A] Ubiquitous

[B] Ultimate

[C] Unanimous

[D] Ultimatum



A_____ between scientific inquiry and political action drives the climate change agenda further on both fronts as a global issue.

[A] synergy

[B] discrepancy

[C] confrontation

[D] reconciliation



The majority of circus clowns rely on performing silly physical acts to create_____ rather than making witty remarks to amuse their audiences.

[A] bondage

[B] complement

[C] contraction

[D] hilarity



Those deep ocean sediments_____ a climatic record stretching back hundreds of millions of years.

[A] prohibit

[B] provoke

[C] procreate

[D] provide



After days of silence, the actress decided to sue the owner of the tabloid for his ____ allegation about her unethical attempt to secure top position in the show business.

[A] surreptitious

[B] capacious

[C] efficacious

[D] mendacious



In cancer treatment, researchers have been working hard to find a way of killing_____ cells without disturbing healthy ones.

[A] benign

[B] malignant

[C] stagnant

[D] stale



The President urges other political circles to stop ____in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.

[A] meddling

[B] attempting

[C] declaring

[D] legislating



The family that just moved into the community treated their neighbors with cold ____even when they were greeted warmly.

[A] significance

[B] indifference

[C] distinction

[D] constitution



Alex told Alice he really admired her paintings, and she returned the______ by saying she was a fan of his sculptures.

[A] retrenchment

[B] compliment

[C] supplement

[D] detachment



The major negative effect on the environment is that overconsumption is______ the world’s natural resources.

[A] depleting

[B] deporting

[C] deploying

[D] deploring



Men and women in this period aspired to a/an ____ , delicate, slim silhouette. Very small people were considered deformed and were given the role of grotesque fools.

[A] elongated

[B] modern

[C] brooding

[D] mysterious



His old-time joke had occurred to him again, but all the _____ and laughter had gone out of it.

[A] views

[B] tardiness

[C] gasps

[D] mirth



Performance tests are necessary to  ____whether patients could survive basic daily activities.

[A] access

[B] assess

[C] process

[D] accredit



I would like to have chocolate cake as my after-dinner____ .

[A] desert

[B] design

[C] dessert 

[D] disaster



Penny: Will you visit me during Chinese New Year? Paul: ____. Penny: OK. I’ll pick you up at the train station.

[A]I am flying from the south

[B]I plan to arrive on New Year’s Eve 

[C]I prefer cheesecake

[D]I will find my cousin


____ hearing the news of her husband’s sudden death in car crash, Lucy burst into tears.

[A] Before 

[B] As soon as  

[C] Upon  

[D] As long as



The cleaning staff_____ to work on the weekend should inform security guard by Friday noon.

[A] have  

[B] has 

[C] having 

[D] had



Jimmy is a very____ boy. He always listens to his teachers and never argues with his parents.

[A] handy 

[B] obedient 

[C] effective  

[D] military



The Doe family was a ___ creation of the police as a way to shield the names of people arrested each day.

[A] fictitious

[B] flirtatious

[C] nutritious

[D] ostentatious



Mr. Clinton’s presidency was marked as much by scandal and ______divisions as by its successes on fronts like the economy.

[A] rational

[B] lexical

[C] partisan

[D] clinical



The defendant was ____ of the robbery charge by the jury because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him of the crime.

[A] embarked

[B] replicated

[C] exhibited

[D] acquitted



John raised money for the school to preserve the wetland and to ____ the environmental education program.

[A] obtain

[B] contain

[C] detect

[D] boost



Mr. Huang is an efficient administrator. Mr. Chen, however, is quite inefficient. The latter is, therefore, ____ the former.

[A]a far cry from

[B]lost sight of

[C]kept up with

[D]similar to

a far cry from相去甚遠


Just two days out of the intensive care unit, the patient was back to the intensive care unit for treatment again because of a serious ____ of his heart condition.

[A] fallacy

[B] heritage

[C] relapse

[D] rehabitation  



With Nicole’s excellent abilities and skills to listen attentively, speak______ , and communicate effectively, she is definitely the best Public Relations her company has ever had.

[A] nonsensically

[B] extraneously

[C] fanatically

[D] intelligibly



It seems to be a silly ____, but people in Taiwan avoid “the fourth floor” in the hospital as it sounds like “the floor of death” in Chinese.

[A] participant

[B] superstition

[C] manuscript

[D] exception



After a[n] ____ search for the lost mountain climber, the rescue team finally found him lying injured in a valley.

[A] detached

[B] extensive

[C] confined

[D] anonymous



Most earthquakes are caused by movement in____ faults, places where two bodies of rock are being pushed in different directions but still locked together by friction.

[A] geological

[B] geocentrical

[C] geopolitical

[D] geometrical 



In considering any judicial nominee, the candidate's ____ and ability to act in accordance with the law are fair topics for the Senate to consider.

[A] governance

[B] candor

[C] obligation

[D] imposition



She could have had fun out there with Kelly. Instead she was stuck in the house like a ____ schoolgirl sentenced to after-hours detention.

[A] quirky

[B] conscientious

[C] well-behaved

[D] sulky



At the edge of Brighton Beach I saw a very different crowd: elderly Russian women packed hip-to-hip on benches, wearing scarves and long dresses even at the _____ of summer.

[A] zenith

[B] exodus

[C] exit

[D] downside



All the bridges across the river were destroyed because of the heavy rain, which ____slides.

[A] quarantined

[B] exacerbated

[C] venerated

[D] persecuted



We face a major problem of water ____ ; there is so much trash in the rivers.

[A] contamination

[B] contribution

[C] constitution

[D] controversy



Scientists can't see a black hole with a telescope, and for that reason, there are a lot of theories, sometimes ____ones about what exactly black holes are.

[A] commuting

[B] contradicting

[C] compelling

[D] converting



Representing Texas State at this year's Miss America Pageant, Jessica was extremely popular with the press and many other contestants and she eventually won the title of Miss ____ .

[A] Congeniality

[B] Generality

[C] Totality

[D] Punctuality



A piece of food _____ his airway and caused him to stop breathing. He was immediately rushed to the hospital.

[A] exhilarated

[B] retrieved

[C] obstructed

[D] intimidated



It is often said that ______is better than cure, so why not take some precautions in advance?

[A] process

[B] priority

[C] prevention

[D] prosperity



After six years’ outstanding military service, Jason received an honorable______ .

[A] deduction

[B] detachment

[C] disgrace

[D] discharge



Experts of education are concerned about the negative influence on children and adolescents from the daily______ of vulgar language, sex, and violence on TV shows.

[A] barrage

[B] contempt

[C] petition

[D] remedy



Although this tastes fine, I don’t think it’s a good______ for real butter.

[A] reception

[B] compartment

[C] patron

[D] substitute



Capital punishment is a____ in modern societies. Many people today insist that no one has the right to take another person’s life, not even the criminal’s.

[A] dispute

[B] distribution

[C] distinction

[D] disclosure



Wearable technology devices ____over 30% of the company’s total sales three years in a row.

[A] account for

[B] amount to

[C] accumulate for

[D] add up

account for帳戶


We often feel____ from doing anything when we are not at our best health-wise and emotion-wise.

[A] deprived

[B] defective

[C] disapproved

[D] discouraged

authorities 當局


Nobody expects corruption to be____ in China. It is built into the system, a system without checks and balances.

[A] detained

[B] eradicated

[C] mobilized

[D] quenched



Rescue workers searched for survivors in the epicenter of ____that struck China’s Yunnan province.

[A] a grocery

[B] an obstacle

[C] a native

[D] an earthquake

an earthquake地震


She works in a social ___ dedicated to radically increasing the scale of energy access in developing countries.

[A] installment

[B] enterprise

[C] message

[D] feast



He was knocked down by a car and badly____ .

[A] injured

[B] intended

[C] intensified

[D] inaugurated



Although they have been tamed, circus tigers can____ attack their trainer.

[A] unexpectedly

[B] gracefully

[C] elegantly

[D] nicely



FoodCloud is a nonprofit food-sharing service that connects businesses, such as supermarkets or bakeries, with charities seeking food____ .

[A] career

[B] donation

[C] problem

[D] reduction



It is often hard to ____the truth of a legend, but we seem to always enjoy learning the stunning part of it.

[A] run out of

[B] testify

[C] scrap

[D] carry out



Renting a car in Morocco isn’t cheap, but it is possible to strike very good ____with some of the smaller dealers.

[A] allies

[B] bargains

[C] commodities

[D] diversities



The newest model of the video game will be____ for purchase next month.

[A] reluctant

[B] available

[C] obscure

[D] peculiar



There is no shortage of challenging destinations for drivers in China, but Tibet is widely regarded as the____ one.

[A] equivalent

[B] fragile

[C] synthetic

[D] ultimate



Though women____ men in the workforce, the gender gap at the top is still wide.

[A] encounter

[B] harass

[C] outnumber

[D] relish



Jeremy Lin’s success has____ me to go after my dream, which is to become a Broadway singer.

[A] expanded

[B] inspired

[C] offended

[D] approached



Bryan could not____ on his studies because of the noise outside.

[A] condense

[B] confuse

[C] contract

[D] concentrate



Anyone who is____ with the Aids virus has to notify the sanitary authorities.

[A] infected

[B] initiated

[C] injured

[D] included



Several witnesses were asked to____ the suspect who had robbed the lady.

[A] enrich

[B] defoliate

[C] identify

[D] lease



Jack’s telephone bill is due today. He needs to pay it by midnight tonight; ____, the telephone company will disconnect him.

[A] after all

[B] furthermore

[C] in consequence

[D] otherwise



Mr. Wang is very upset because the woman he fell in love with has ____him.

[A] leave favored

[B] leaving praised

[C] admired

[D] left



The growing burden of housing loans has made it difficult for young people to____ their own homes.

[A] transfer

[B] compromise

[C] purchase

[D] manifest



A horrible car crash happened this morning at the busy ____of Highways 1 and 6.

[A] compartment

[B] intersection

[C] foundation

[D] summit



The story of Snow White is____ , so I don’t need to repeat it.

[A] wide

[B] well-known

[C] angry

[D] efficient



Across the world traditions differ, but many practices are similar ____.

[A] to no avail

[B] on earth

[C] in no time

[D] in essence

in essence本質上


My brother’s letter was full of____ , so it was hard to read.

[A] merits

[B] mistakes

[C] games

[D] senses



The ____on your head and shoulder seems to be the snowflake decoration is Christmas season.

[A] brochure

[B] dandruff

[C] concierge

[D] graffiti



The receptionist at the front desk looked busy; after he stopped to give us directions to the waiting area, he____ doing what he was previously busy with right away.

[A] maintained

[B] preserved

[C] resumed

[D] withdrew



My illness had left me ___ in one ear; that excluded me from entering any of the professions for which good hearing is required.

[A] blind

[B] scared

[C] deaf

[D] tired



Like most foreigners, I ask a lot of questions, some of which are insultingly silly. But everyone I ____has answered those questions with patience and honesty.

[A] come across

[B] come by

[C] come over

[D] come into

come across碰到


Barking is a normal behavior for dogs; however, when they bark ____, they become a nuisance to their owners and the neighborhood.

[A] earnestly

[B] explicitly

[C] excessively

[D] expressively



After he retired from office, Rogers____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

[A] took up

[B] saved up

[C] kept up

[D] drew up 

took up佔用


Despite the economic downturn, the famous hot pot restaurant chain still ____huge profits last year.

[A] caused

[B] extended

[C] yielded

[D] invented



After college, Robert decided to go to Paris and ____on the journey of becoming pastry chef.

[A] endure

[B] inform

[C] embark

[D] involve



The university has been considered one of the most____ institutes in the world since its founding in the 19th century.

[A] scrambled

[B] consecutive

[C] prestigious

[D] forbidden



A retired general, a retired scholar, and a bankrupt businessman all have experiences and accomplishment that can be seen as____ assets.

[A] implacable

[B] intangible

[C] imminent

[D] interstitial



Garden plants with tender fruits, vegetables or delicate stalks and leaves are the most ____to frost damage.

[A] susceptible

[B] suspicious

[C] suspended

[D] sustainable



Almost 15 years ago, I ____a story about an innocent man who had been sentenced to die in the Huntsville electric chair.

[A] based on

[B] coiled up

[C] ate up

[D] stumbled on

stumbled on偶然發現


With good leadership, the CEO gets the business ____within a year.

[A] up and running

[B] up and down

[C] on and going

[D] in and out

up and running啟動運行


The lamp goes so well with the furniture and the floor carpet. It is a beautiful ____to the living room.

[A] milestone

[B] inscription

[C] landscape

[D] complement



We have arrived at the airport ______ before the plane leaves. Therefore, we still have plenty of time to browse around the duty free shop.

[A] at one time

[B] in good time

[C] in no time

[D] of all time

in good time適時


32 According to American officials and Arab diplomats, the United States is unlikely to ____ any military strikes against extremists in Iraq before a new government is formed.

[A] undertake

[B] offend

[C] analyse

[D] overhear



Napping is encouraged for night-time workers as 30-minute naps help them feel _____ .

[A] refreshed

[B] overcome

[C] fulfilled

[D] listless



The investigation has proved that the Loch Ness Monster is an elaborate______ ; no such monster exists in the lake.

[A] blur

[B] hoax

[C] kernel

[D] landmark



The number of the endangered Lowland Gorillas has been dropping ______ due to habitat loss and illegal hunting.

[A] dramatically

[B] scarcely

[C] realistically

[D] smoothly



When Ofisa Treviranus learned that he was selected to the Rugby World Cup squad, he felt that all the sacrifices he had made to play rugby had finally ______ .

[A] came off

[B] put off

[C] taken off

[D] paid off

paid off還清


In the beginning of the concert, the audience is______ to turn off their cell phones.

[A] respected

[B] requested

[C] rejected

[D] released



Rice farming is the ______ of Taiwan’s agriculture industry.

[A] quality

[B] grain

[C] disposition

[D] backbone



Studying Latin is helpful for enlarging one's vocabulary in English, since so many English words ____from Latin.

[A] bombard

[B] derive

[C] compile

[D] formulate



To have access to the confidential documents, one needs special____ from the headquarters.

[A] authorization

[B] institution

[C] intonation

[D] transmission



 ____is the art of narration and expression through body movement.

[A] Anatomy

[B] Pantomime

[C] Traitor

[D] Valor



Christine longed for some breathing space in her relationship because she felt____ by his nearly 24-hour company over the past few weeks.

[A] delighted

[B] dedicated

[C] suffocated

[D] terminated



Don’t ____ your voice when talking in the office.

[A] exhume

[B] raise

[C] arise

[D] arouse



There is a big cut on your hand. You need medical _____ immediately.

[A] treatment

[B] involvement

[C] treasure

[D] medium



Each country was requested to send a _____ to join the APEC convention.

[A] designation

[B] illustration

[C] denotation

[D] delegation



Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that ______ movement.

[A] affects

[B] effects

[C] offends

[D] defends



Hundreds of people are dead as the worst Ebola _____ outbreak in history sweeps through West Africa.

[A] agent

[B] code

[C] formula

[D] virus



Although the period in which he lived represents the sunset of the Renaissance, Bernini possessed a ______ comparable to that of Leonardo or Michelangelo.

[A] chagrin

[B] gusto

[C] penchant

[D] virtuosity



Dear Leader is a fascinating inside account of how the Kims in North Korea used propaganda to _____ their hold on power.

[A] soften

[B] solve

[C] cheat

[D] cement



 In this country's literature, the woman's voice has drawn the spotlight of ____in recent years.

[A] negligence

[B] apathy

[C] deadlock

[D] acclaim



Most people feel _____ in the afternoon after having lunch, especially in the summer time.

[A] optional

[B] feasible

[C] drowsy

[D] parasitic



It is a wonderful give-and-take experience to stop and try to _____ the work of a street artist.

[A] accuse

[B] donate

[C] appreciate

[D] delete



Studies have shown that individuals tend to evaluate the implementation of testing programs as less_____ when fair procedures have been used.

[A] objectified

[B] objective

[C] ostensible

[D] objectionable



The two governments organized forums to_____ the possibility of establishing energy efficiency measures.

[A] extract  

[B] exhibit

[C] explore  

[D] extort



Unlike most other members of the crow family, the magpie is relatively fearless and _____.

[A] excessive

[B] erroneous  

[C] invasive  

[D] progressive



Some scientists fear that there won’t be enough oil in the future to meet global_____ .

[A] protection  

[B] warming 

[C] commission  

[D] demand



I always try hard to imprint features of a new acquaintance on my memory. Yet chances are the next time when I_____ into him, I won’t know who he is. 

[A] knock  

[B] slam 

[C] bump  

[D] smash



People with ____ dispositions recover quickly from disappointment.

[A] effective

[B] elastic

[C] rigid

[D] reluctant



Actor Pierce Brosnan may play the deadly super boy in the movies, but in real life he is a father and a ______ loving husband.

[A] devastated

[B] deserved

[C] desperate

[D] devoted



Given the lack of printing, stocking and shipping costs for ebooks, the prices for ebooks should be less expensive and more _____ to the readers.

[A] entertaining

[B] affordable

[C] costly

[D] amiable



After searching for his lost father for many years, Jeffery can _____go to America to meet up with his father.

[A] eventually

[B] essentially

[C] extremely

[D] enormously



The Beatles were an _____ band. They created some of the most brilliant albums in music history.

[A] amazing

[B] envious

[C] intimate

[D] organic



_____by the sun and the wind, the woman has lost the red from her cheeks and lips.

[A] Weathered

[B] Blessed

[C] Harvested

[D] Detected



A toddler was admitted to the emergency_____ with a wound in his chest.

[A] ward

[B] engagement

[C] drain

[D] isolation



The best currency exchange deals are given at the private bureaus around town, which don’t charge_____ .

[A] bribery

[B] commission

[C] fraud

[D] suspicion



As long as you____ to the original source, you are allowed to use the words and ideas of others in your research paper.

[A] take exception

[B] pay tribute

[C] go straight

[D] give credit

give credit給予信用


Although Alex's parents have been busy with work, they would still ____for the family.

[A] turn around

[B] make time

[C] show off

[D] look up

make time騰出時間


If you want to ____your readers, you need to include in your paper enough supporting evidence for your argument.

[A] enclose

[B] retain

[C] tolerate

[D] convince



In order to save energy, the school is going to____ the power supply of an air conditioner in every room for five minutes during the noon time.

[A] put down

[B] turn down

[C] shut down

[D] go down

shut down關閉


In his first year, Britain’s Prince George has____ on an international tour to improve his country's relationship with its neighbors.

[A] embarked

[B] impressed

[C] imposed

[D] passed 



As energy demand grows greatly and fuel prices rise, scientists are looking for ____sources such as water, wind, and solar power.

[A] renewable

[B] flexible

[C] regional

[D] structural


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