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2018/05/23 02:01:56瀏覽1067|回應1|推薦4 | |
行政院今(22)日表示,依據聯合國(UN)3月份公布「2018世界幸福報告(The 2018 World Happiness Report)」,台灣民眾的幸福感在全球156個國家中高居第26名,排名不僅是全亞洲之冠,也較去年第33名進步7名。
一如先前我曾表示,這個政府好像向聯合國借個廁所也可聲稱台灣進入聯合國一樣,那句〝聯合國(UN)3月份公布「2018世界幸福報告」〞又是一例。且看以下World Happiness Report網站首頁最底的一句話:
The World Happiness Report was written by a group of independent experts acting in their personal capacities. Any views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization, agency or program of the United Nations. (簡言之:此報告為獨立之專家所為;報告內容不當然反應聯合國組織、單位或專案之意見)
再者,在2018世界幸福報告中,台灣排在第26名,較去年第33名進步7名。排名根據的數據,我簡略World Happiness Report之說明如下:
The rankings use data that come from the Gallup World Poll...We combine data from the years 2015-2017 to make the sample size large enough to reduce the random sampling errors...The typical annual sample is 1,000 people. So if a country had surveys in each year, then the sample size would be 3,000 people.
( 時事評論|政治 ) |